Mexico City, December 11 (RHC)-- Mexico, along with other countries in the region, assured that they will not allow impunity in the case of the accident that occurred Thursday in Chiapas that has claimed the lives of, so far, 55 people of different nationalities, and left more than a hundred injured.... More

Rome, December 11 (RHC)-- The Catholic Church has apologized to parents after a bishop in Sicily told a congregation packed with children that “Santa Claus does not exist,” and that the modern Father Christmas was invented by the Coca-Cola company.... More

Mexico City, December 11 (RHC)-- Mexico's Attorney General's Office (FGE) is conducting the first investigations related to the accident that took place this Thursday in the municipality of Chiapa de Corzo, and which so far has resulted in the death of 55 Central American migrants.... More

Washington, December 11 (RHC)-- At least four U.S. states have called in the National Guard to assist overwhelmed doctors and nurses after a post-Thanksgiving surge in COVID-19 cases led to a 15% jump in hospitalizations in just two weeks. ... More

London, December 11 (RHC)-- Despite efforts by Washington to have WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange extradited to face criminal charges in the United States, attorneys for the Australian journalist say he will fight the order to the last possible consequences.   ... More

Washington, December 11 (RHC)-- U.S. President Joe Biden welcomed Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó to the so-called Democracy Summit — rather than Venezuela’s democratically elected president, Nicolás Maduro.... More

Ramallah, December 10 (RHC)-- Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian young man during anti-settlement protests in the occupied West Bank province of Nablus.   The Palestinian Health Ministry said the young man succumbed to injuries he sustained on Sobeih Mountain in Beita, south of Nablus City, on Friday.... More

Managua, December 10 (RHC)-- Nicaragua is an independent and free country, and wants nothing from the OAS -- "The Ministry of Colonies" --  which is on its way to the grave, said a Nicaraguan deputy.... More

Austin, December 10 (RHC)-- A court in the U.S. state of Texas has ruled against part of the state’s near-total ban on abortions but stopped short of issuing an injunction that would block its enforcement. ... More

New York, December 10 (RHC)-- In New York City, environmental and human rights lawyer Steven Donziger has been sent home under a pandemic-related early release program to serve the rest of his six-month prison sentence from his apartment. ... More

Washington, December 10 (RHC)-- A United States appeals court has rejected an attempt by former President Donald Trump to hold back the release of White House records linked to the deadly January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.... More

Vienna, December 10 (RHC)-- Austria’s conservative-led government has announced details of its plan to make coronavirus vaccines compulsory, saying it will apply to people aged 14 and above, and holdouts face fines of up to 3,600 euros ($4,071) every three months.... More

Athens, December 10 (RHC)-- Parents who do not send their children to school because of COVID-19 measures will face a two-year prison sentence and a fine, the Greek government has said – the latest move by Athens which appears to target people who deny critical features of the pandemic, such as vaccination, mask-wearing or testing.... More

Brussels, December 10 (RHC)-- The COVID-19 pandemic was exploited as an excuse to further normalise surveillance and monitor an increasing number of daily activities of people around the world under the guise of public health, a tech watchdog warned on Thursday.... More

Berlin, December 10 (RHC)-- Health authorities in Berlin have expanded the COVID-19 health pass rules to railway and metro platforms, with its latest decision effectively banning the homeless, who often seek protection from cold weather there.... More
