Sacramento, December 10 (RHC)-- California’s attorney general says he will investigate the Torrance Police Department, after the Los Angeles Times obtained a trove of racist and homophobic text messages exchanged by more than a dozen current and former police officers and recruits. ... More

London, December 10 (RHC)-- The U.S. government has won an appeal at Britain’s High Court over the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.... More

Mexico City, December 10 (RHC)-- A cargo truck jammed with people who appeared to be Central American migrants rolled over and crashed into a pedestrian bridge over a highway in southern Mexico on Thursday, killing at least 53 people and injuring dozens more, authorities reported.... More

Managua, December 10 (RHC)-- Nicaragua has broken off diplomatic relations with Taiwan, leaving the self-ruled democratic island with just 14 formal diplomatic allies amid ongoing pressure from China, which claims the island as its own.... More

Geneva, December 10 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that wealthy countries may start hoarding COVID-19 vaccines again, threatening global supplies as they seek to shore up stocks to fight the new Omicron variant of coronavirus.... More

Rabat, December 9 (RHC)-- In Morocco-occupied Western Sahara, renowned Sahrawi human rights defender Sultana Khaya and her sister Luara were attacked and sexually assaulted during a night raid on December 5th by dozens of masked agents belonging to the Moroccan security forces, who have held the family under house arrest for over one year in the city of Boujdour.... More

Baltimore, December 9 (RHC)-- As COVID-19 cases continue to surge across Europe, North America and South Africa, a new report finds the world is dangerously unprepared for the next pandemic. ... More

Tel Aviv, December 9 (RHC)-- Israel has closed an investigation into two police officers who shot dead a Palestinian assailant as he lay on the ground, accepting the claim that they had acted in self-defense.   Israel’s Justice Ministry said on Thursday it had reached the decision to close the case after questioning the two officers.... More

Washington, December 9 (RHC)-- The U.S. Senate held a hearing this week focused on Amazon and Big Tech’s role in driving up consumer costs.  Senator Elizabeth Warren, who led the hearing, says supply chain issues alone do not give the full picture of the current price surge, blaming corporate anti-competitive practices. ... More

Geneva, December 9 (RHC)-- Early data indicates the Omicron coronavirus variant may more easily reinfect people who have already had the virus or been vaccinated than previous variants, but could also cause milder disease, the World Health Organization said.... More

Vienna, December 9 (RHC)-- Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer has announced that the country's partial coronavirus lockdown will end next week but unvaccinated people will still face restrictions.  "The lockdown for the unvaccinated is staying," Nehammer told a news conference in Vienna, while confirming that the wider lockdown would be lifted next Monday as planned following a "positive trend" in recent infections.... More

Montevideo, December 9 (RHC)-- The Uruguayan organization Mothers and Relatives of Disappeared Detainees, along with 30 other social organizations, held a massive protest this Thursday against the legislation that would grant house arrest to prisoners over 65 years old.... More

New York, December 9 (RHC)-- The World Inequality Lab has revealed that the world’s billionaires saw their net worth grow exponentially during the pandemic, by more than $3.6 trillion in 2020 alone, while 100 million more people were pushed into extreme poverty. ... More

Quito, December 9 (RHC)-- In a landmark ruling, Ecuador’s Constitutional Court said plans to mine for copper and gold in a protected cloud forest were unconstitutional and violate the rights of nature. ... More

Mexico City, December 9 (RHC)-- About 400 migrants who make up the caravan that is traveling through Mexico arrived in the state of Puebla to rest on Wednesday, after traveling about one thousand kilometers in the past month and a half.... More
