Lima, December 7 (RHC)-- The Plenary of the Peruvian Congress rejected this Tuesday the admission of the motion of vacancy against President Pedro Castillo, presented by the right-wing parties on November 25.... More

Port-au-Prince, December 7 (RHC)-- In Haiti, another three of the 17 North American missionary hostages taken in October have been released. ... More

Sydney, December 7 (RHC)-- The majority of popular children’s books should be removed from shelves, as they are “outdated,” “sexist,” “racist,” and written from a “white male” perspective, a new study suggests.... More

Lima, December 7 (RHC)-- The right-wing intention to impeach Peruvian President Pedro Castillo appeared to be shipwrecked today amid massive rejection in the streets and the decision of most political parties to deny their support for such a move.... More

The Hague, December 7 (RHC)-- Israeli Defense Minster Benny Gantz and another former senior military officer cannot be held liable in a case brought by a Palestinian Dutch man who lost six relatives in a 2014 air attack in Gaza, a Dutch appeals court has ruled.... More

Brasilia, December 7 (RHC)-- The Brazilian minister of the Institutional Security Office (GSI), General Augusto Heleno, authorized at least seven gold exploration projects in the area of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, near the border with Venezuela and Colombia, a preserved and untouchable place in the Amazon where 23 indigenous groups reside.... More

La Paz, December 7 (RHC)-- The Association of Victims of the Senkata and Sacaba massacres and the Bolivian government have reached an agreement that includes the creation of a trust fund, as well as regular meetings in order to make progress towards reparations.  The agreement establishes that the parties will meet every month to evaluate the advances in terms of justice for the victims of the massacres, which were perpetrated during the de facto government presided by Jeanine Áñez.... More

La Paz, December 7 (RHC)-- In the run-up to the 2020 elections in Bolivia, in which Luis Arce was elected president, coup leader Jeanine Áñez requested arms from the United States and the United Kingdom.... More

Geneva, December 7 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization (WHO) has said the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic has seen malaria cases soar by 14 million year-on-year and the disease’s 2020 death toll jump to 627,000, setting back the fight to eliminate malaria.... More

London, December 7 (RHC)-- Future pandemics could be even more lethal than COVID-19 so the lessons learned from the outbreak must not be squandered and the world should ensure it is prepared for the next viral onslaught, one of the creators of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine said.... More

Washington, December 7 (RHC)-- Early indications of the severity of the Omicron COVID-19 variant are “a bit encouraging” -- but more information is still needed, according to leading U.S. pandemic adviser Dr Anthony Fauci.... More

La Paz, December 7 (RHC)-- In Bolivia, some 20 relatives of those killed, wounded and detained during the Senkata massacre in November 2019 begin a hunger strike this Monday due to the paralysis of commitments and actions previously defined to advance in the search for justice.... More

Havana, December 6 (RHC)-- The Argentinean Foreign Ministry reported Monday that for the first time in history Argentina will chair the Human Rights Council of the United Nations (UN), starting in 2022.... More

Vienna, December 6 (RHC)-- Another series of demonstrations against COVID restrictions have taken place in European cities, including a rally of 40,000 people in Vienna, Austria, where a lockdown is starting today, and vaccinations are set to become mandatory in February. ... More

New York, December 6 (RHC)-- The Omicron coronavirus variant is continuing to spread around the world — with cases detected in nearly 50 nations and nearly one-third of U.S. states.  Omicron’s proliferation has led dozens of nations to impose new travel restrictions. ... More
