Athens, December 6 (RHC)-- Pope Francis has denounced the exploitation of migrants for political purposes, saying it is “distressing” to hear that some European leaders are seeking to build a wall and put up barbed wire to keep the immigrants out.... More

Brussels, December 6 (RHC)-- Belgian police fired water cannon on Sunday to disperse protesters opposed to compulsory health measures against the coronavirus pandemic.  Some 8,000 people marched through Brussels towards the headquarters of the European Union, chanting “Freedom!” and letting off fireworks.... More

Brasilia, December 6 (RHC)-- Women from different popular movements, trade union centers, feminist collectives and political parties in Brazil carried out massive mobilizations this Saturday in rejection of Jair Bolsonaro's policies, which have worsened social inequality in the country.... More

Tegucigalpa, December 6 (RHC)-- The president-elect of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, is the presidential candidate who received the most votes in the history of the Central American country, after reaching more than 1,430,000 valid ballots cast in the elections of last November 28th.... More

Ramallah, December 6 (RHC)-- Palestinian detainee, Kayed Fasfous, has finally walked out of an Israeli jail and returned home to his family, after a prolonged hunger strike.  He spent more than 18 months in prison without a trial as he refused to eat for 131 days in protest.... More

Caracas, December 6 (RHC)-- The Great Patriotic Pole (GPP) of Venezuela announced this Sunday the designation of former Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza as candidate for Governor of the state of Barinas in view of the elections to be held on January 9, 2022.... More

Quito, December 6 (RHC)-- The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) ratified this weekend its state of resistance due to the lack of response from the Ecuadorian government headed by President Guillermo Lasso, to the proposals presented by Indigenous organizations.... More

Washington, December 5 (RHC)-- The Joe Biden administration has rejected calls to ban the use of lethal autonomous weapons, also known as “killer robots.”... More

Ramallah, December 5 (RHC)-- The UN Human Rights Office in Palestine described as extrajudicial execution the killing of a young man in the city of Jerusalem by Israeli policemen, who were congratulated by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.... More

Lima, December 5 (RHC)-- The president of Peru, Pedro Castillo, denounced being the target of a media campaign aimed at linking him to acts of corruption and to remove him from power.... More

Geneva, December 5 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization’s (WHO) chief scientist has urged people not to panic over the emergence of the Omicron coronavirus variant and said it was too early to say if vaccines would need to be reworked.... More

United Nations, December 5 (RHC)-- The UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution demanding that the Israeli regime fully withdraw from the Syrian Golan Heights, declaring “null” and “void” the regime’s imposition of its jurisdiction on the occupied territory.... More

London, December 5 (RHC)-- In what observers are calling a climate victory, Shell has pulled out of the Cambo oil field project in the U.K.’s North Sea.... More

Brasilia, December 5 (RHC)-- The Attorney General's Office (PGR), of Brazil has opened six new investigations involving President Jair Bolsonaro, from the elements provided by the Parliamentary Investigative Commission (CPI) which analyzed what it called serious negligence in the management of his government in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.... More

Ramallah, December 5 (RHC)-- The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) says at least 30 people have been injured in clashes with the Israeli regime forces during a weekly march in protest at the illegal settlements near the occupied West Bank city of Nablus.... More
