Paris, November 16 (RHC)-- A large settlement of migrants in the suburbs of Dunkirk in northern France has been dismantled, in the wake of yet another wave of tensions with the UK over the growing number of illegal crossings.... More

Beijing, November 16 (RHC)-- U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke for three and half hours in a virtual summit on Monday.  Topics discussed included Taiwan, human rights and trade policies. ... More

Washington, November 16 (RHC)-- Students at Howard University in Washington, DC have reached a deal that will bring an end to protests at one of the nation’s preeminent historic Black universities. ... More

Cheyenne, November 16 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of Wyoming, the state Republican Party has voted to stop recognizing Congressmember Liz Cheney as a party member due to her vote to impeach Donald Trump for inciting the Capitol insurrection. ... More

Warsaw, November 16 (RHC)-- In eastern Poland, border guards fired tear gas and water cannons Tuesday at hundreds of asylum-seekers who tried to push their way through a razor wire barrier erected along the Poland-Belarus border.  Some of the refugees responded by throwing sticks, stones, and bottles at soldiers in riot gear. ... More

London, November 16 (RHC)-- A team of scientists from the UK and Germany has managed to reverse memory loss in mice, and says the treatment could potentially lead to a breakthrough in fighting Alzheimer’s disease.... More

Ramallah, November 16 (RHC)-- The Israeli military has reportedly bugged all mobiles and phones imported into Gaza and actively monitors the mobile networks operating in the occupied territories to find “pressure points” used to blackmail Palestinians. ... More

New Delhi, November 15 (RHC)-- India began allowing fully vaccinated foreign tourists to enter the country on regular commercial flights, in the latest easing of coronavirus restrictions as infections fall and vaccinations rise.... More

Quito, November 15 (RHC)-- In Ecuador, at least 68 people were killed during the latest outbreak of deadly prison violence at the Litoral Penitentiary, located in the port city of Guayaquil. ... More

New Delhi, November 15 (RHC)-- In India, New Delhi schools have closed for one week amid spiking levels of toxic pollution.  Air quality in the Indian capital has been further exacerbated by the widespread burning of crop residue. Farmers say they have been left with no other choice but to burn the agricultural stubble to prepare for more cultivation.... More

Madrid, November 15 (RHC)-- In Spain, coast guard sailors discovered the dead bodies of eight people in a boat transporting migrants and refugees.  Sixty-two other passengers were rescued from the vessel, which had been drifting near the Canary Islands for a week. ... More

Washington, November 15 (RHC)-- In the United States, COVID-19 cases and deaths are rising in at least 29 states. Hospitalizations are also increasing in nearly half of all states. Public health experts warn the U.S. could face a new wave as winter weather and the holidays drive more people to gather indoors.... More

Washington, November 15 (RHC)--  Steve Bannon, a longtime adviser to former United States President Donald Trump, turned himself into the FBI on Monday to face the first criminal charges handed down amid a congressional probe of the deadly January 6 attack on the Capitol for refusing to cooperate with the investigation.... More

Tel Aviv, November 15 (RHC)-- An Israeli rights group has said it documented 451 incidents of settler violence on Palestinians since early 2020, with Israeli forces not intervening to stop the attacks in the majority of cases.... More

Buenos Aires, November 15 (RHC)-- Argentina's political coalition, Juntos por el Cambio (Together for Change), has obtained a majority in the Chamber of Deputies and Senate after 89.3 percent of the polling stations were counted. ... More
