Moscow, October 28 (RHC)-- Russia has reported record numbers of daily COVID-19 cases and deaths as Moscow shut down non-essential services for 11 days to fight the surge in infections.... More

Tegucigalpa, October 28 (RHC)-- The presidential candidate of the opposition party Libertad y Refundación (LIBRE) of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, leads the intention of the vote for the elections to be held on November 28, according to a survey by the Center for Studies for Democracy (Cespad).... More

London, October 28 (RHC)-- Coinciding with the hearing that studies the eventual extradition to the United States of Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks -- a session taking place at the High Court in London (UK) -- Aitor Martinez, lawyer of his defense team, gave an interview to RT, which he denounced that Washington criminalizes truthful information about the case.... More

La Paz, October 28 (RHC)-- The Minister of the Presidency, Maria Nela Prada, reported Wednesday that the Government of Bolivia will carry out a comprehensive plan of reparation to the victims of the massacres of Senkata and Sacaba, during the coup d'état in Bolivia in 2019, after concluding the dialogue with families of the victims.... More

Kenosha, October 28 (RHC)-- In Kenosha, Wisconsin, the judge overseeing the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has ruled the three protesters shot by the white teenager during racial justice protests last year cannot be labeled “victims” during the trial but can be called “rioters,” “looters” or “arsonists,” if the defense can provide evidence to justify such terms.... More

Philadelphia, October 28 (RHC)-- After nearly 50 years behind bars, former Black Panther Russell “Maroon” Shoatz was freed from prison in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, after a judge granted his compassionate release the day before. ... More

Mexico City, October 28 (RHC)-- Thousands of migrants from Central America and the Caribbean travelling in a caravan are making their way across Mexico, hoping to reach the U.S. border, and heaping pressure on the Biden administration.... More

Quito, October 28 (RHC)-- Indigenous and rural Ecuadorans have blocked roads in several provinces on the second day of protests against rising fuel prices amid a state of emergency as the president called for dialogue.... More

New York, October 27 (RHC)-- In the U.S., former Weather Underground member David Gilbert has been granted parole after spending 40 years in prison.  He is scheduled for release on November 30. ... More

Bogota, October 27 (RHC)-- In Colombia, another Indigenous Misak leader has been assassinated in the region of Cauca.  ... More

Washington, October 27 (RHC)-- In the U.S., Dr. Deborah Birx, former President Trump’s coronavirus coordinator, told lawmakers over 130,000 lives could have been saved in the United States if the Trump administration had quickly implemented effective public health measures.  Dr. Birx said the White House was too “distracted” by the election and ignored recommendations to slow down the pandemic.... More

Brasilia, October 27 (RHC)-- In Brazil, a Senate committee has approved a report calling for criminal charges, including crimes against humanity, against far-right President Jair Bolsonaro over his deadly mishandling of the pandemic. ... More

United Nations, October 27 (RHC)-- United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres issued yet another stark warning just days ahead of the COP26 global climate summit.   The UN chief said: “Less than one week before COP26 in Glasgow, we are still on track for climate catastrophe, even with the last announcements that were made.  ... More

London, October 27 (RHC)-- New research reveals that women in the British military are suffering widespread emotional bullying, sexual harassment, physical assault and long-lasting mental health problems.... More

Geneva, October 27 (RHC)-- The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights blasts the Israeli regime’s recent “terrorist” designation of six Palestinian civil society organizations, describing the move as an attack on defenders of human rights.... More
