New York, October 23 (RHC)-- Johnson & Johnson is under fire for using a legal trick to avoid liability over its asbestos-laced talcum powder, which has been linked to cancer.... More

Santiago de Chile, October 23 (RHC)-- Carabineros special forces were deployed this Friday to repress a completely peaceful demonstration in Plaza Dignidad, which celebrated two years since the beginning of the social outbreak in Chile.... More

Washington, October 23 (RHC)-- The U.S. House of Representatives has voted to declare former Trump aide Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena from the House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack.  The vote was 229 to 202.  Just nine Republicans joined Democrats in support of the resolution to recommend the Justice Department open a criminal prosecution of Bannon. ... More

Geneva, October 23 (RHC)-- A new report by the People’s Vaccine Alliance found that only about 260 million of the 1.8 billion COVID-19 vaccine donations promised to poorer nations by drug companies and wealthier countries have been delivered to date.  That’s just 14% of what was pledged. ... More

Moscow, October 23 (RHC)-- The foreign ministers of Bolivia and Russia, Rogelio Mayta and Serguei Lavrov, respectively, demanded on Friday the immediate cessation of interference by the United States and other nations in the internal affairs of Latin American countries, including Cuba and Venezuela, as well as the removal of unilateral restrictive measures applied against them.... More

London, October 23 (RHC)-- WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange is a political prisoner and the process against him is a crime against journalism, according to a group of academics, politicians, journalists and advocates convened ahead of his extradition hearing.... More

Washington, October 23 (RHC)-- During an international forum called "What happened in Bolivia's 2019 elections and the OAS report?  Experts share their findings," Bolivian Attorney General Wilfredo Chávez reiterated that there was no fraud in those presidential elections.... More

London, October 23 (RHC)-- The British medical journal The Lancet warns in a new report that without dramatic action to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the climate crisis is on track to become the defining narrative of human health in the 21st century. ... More

Washington, October 23 (RHC)-- Sitting in the sun across the street from the White House, 18-year-old Ema Govea holds a black and yellow sign saying she is on a hunger strike to demand action against climate change.... More

Austin, October 22 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of Texas, spokesperson for Republican Governor Greg Abbott says National Guard troops deployed to the southern border have helped Texas law enforcement officers detain over 7,700 migrants.  They’re among more than 70,000 asylum seekers who’ve been arrested by Texas law enforcement since Abbott launched the anti-immigrant program “Operation Lone Star” back in March.... More

Port-au-Prince, October 22 (RHC)-- In Haiti, the leader of a gang suspected of kidnapping 16 American and one Canadian missionary members is threatening to kill the hostages if the $17 million ransom is not paid. ... More

London, October 22 (RHC)-- Pressure is mounting on the United Kingdom’s government to re-enforce COVID-19 restrictions as infections surge, with medical experts warning of a looming crisis.  The UK reported 52,009 new cases on Thursday, the highest daily figure since July 17 and the ninth consecutive day that cases have topped the 40,000 mark.... More

Athens, October 22 (RHC)-- Hundreds of doctors working in state-run hospitals in Greece marched through the capital, Athens to decry compulsory COVID vaccination and government plans that they believe will only worsen staff shortages.... More

Buenos Aires, October 22 (RHC)-- Argentina's Human Rights Secretariat has confirmed the death of Mother of Plaza de Mayo and Relatives of the Disappeared and Detained for Political Reasons member Thelma Jara de Cabezas at the age of 94.... More

Santiago de Chile, October 22 (RHC)-- The Supreme Court of Justice of Chile has confirmed the sentences to 19 agents of the former National Intelligence Directorate (DINA) for the kidnapping of brothers Carlos and Aldo Perez Vargas in September 1974.... More
