Miami, October 21 (RHC)--Former U.S. President Donald Trump has announced the launch of his own social media platform, nine months after being expelled from all major sites for his role in allegedly inciting violence at the U.S. Capitol following his election defeat last year.... More

El Paso, October 21 (RHC)-- U.S. authorities reportedly detained 1.7 million migrants trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border this fiscal year – marking an all-time high and highlighting the deepening political and humanitarian challenges the Biden administration is facing on immigration.... More

Moscow, October 21 (RHC)-- Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the country’s workers to stay off work for a week starting later this month amid rising coronavirus infection and death numbers.... More

Pretoria, October 21 (RHC)-- African countries want a new system to track funding from wealthy nations that are failing to meet a $100 billion annual target to help the developing world tackle climate change, Africa’s lead climate negotiator has said.... More

Beijing, October 21 (RHC)-- The Chinese Foreign Ministry has issued a warning aimed at Washington, calling on the United States not to push its own form of democracy on other nations or split the international community by excluding countries from its upcoming summit.... More

Philadelphia, October 21 (RHC)-- The rape of a woman aboard a Philadelphia subway witnessed by as many as 10 passengers, some of whom appeared to film the attack, could have been stopped quickly if one had called 911, police said on Tuesday.... More

New Delhi, October 20 (RHC)--At least 41 people have died and more than a dozen were missing after landslides and flash floods triggered by several days of heavy rain hit northern India, officials say.... More

Washington, October 20 (RHC)-- A group of Sunrise Movement climate activists began a hunger strike outside the White House on Wednesday to demand Congress and President Biden pass the climate crisis provisions in the reconciliation package. ... More

Gaza City, October 20 (RHC)--For the third day in a row, Israeli authorities banned entry to a freed Palestinian prisoner released last Sunday.  After spending six years in jail, Nisreen Abu Kmail was denied the permit to enter Gaza to reunite with her family as she holds an “Israeli identity blue card.”... More

Lansing, October 20 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of Michigan, activists took peaceful direct action to shut down Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline. ... More

United Nations, October 20 (RHC)-- Another United Nations report out this week warns the last three mountain glaciers on the African continent are receding so quickly that they could disappear altogether within the next two decades. ... More

Washington, October 20 (RHC)-- A group of Central American mothers searching for their children are in the U.S. capital this week to demand action to find their missing loved ones, who disappeared on their journeys to the Unites States.  The mothers are also denouncing human rights violations against Central American migrants. ... More

Tripoli, October 20 (RHC)-- At least 14 refugees have died, and dozens of others have been reported missing, in the Mediterranean Sea in recent days as people fleeing extreme poverty, violence and the effects of the climate crisis continue to take on the dangerous trek to Europe. ... More

New York, October 20 (RHC)-- In New York City, a prominent statue of Thomas Jefferson will be removed from City Hall, after a years-long push from Black and Latinx councilmembers. ... More

Ramallah, October 20 (RHC)-- Israel is taking steps towards over-policing and increasing its surveillance of the Palestinian population inside its 1949-borders under the pretext of curbing the high crime rate within the community, Palestinians say.... More
