Damascus, October 13 (RHC)-- Israel’s military has transferred its tanks to the occupied Golan Heights, a 500-square-mile area with strategic importance, in a dangerous move smacking of provocation.... More

Caracas, October 13 (RHC)-- Venezuelan Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez reports that Foreign Minister Félix Plasencia will denounce before the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, the murder of two Venezuelan teenagers in Tibú, Colombian department of Norte de Santander.... More

La Paz, October 13 (RHC)-- In the face of attempts by right-wing sectors to destabilize the country, thousands of Bolivians gathered in different parts of the country for the "Wiphalazo" -- an event organized to undo the patriotic symbol recognized by the Constitution.... More

Guatemala City, October 13 (RHC)-- Hundreds of representatives of indigenous peoples, social activists, peasants and members of Guatemalan civil society, led by the Social and Popular Assembly (ASP), marched on Tuesday through the main streets of the capital against discrimination and in favor of indigenous, Black and popular dignity.... More

Santiago de Chile, October 12 (RHC)-- Chilean President Sebastian Pinera has announced a state of emergency and deployed troops to two southern regions where clashes have broken out between Mapuche Indigenous people and security forces.... More

Geneva, October 12 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization is warning that climate change is “the single biggest health threat facing humanity.” ... More

London, October 12 (RHC)-- In London, at least seven members of Greenpeace were arrested Monday after shutting down traffic outside 10 Downing Street by installing a 12-foot mock statue of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson splattered in oil. ... More

Belgrade, October 12 (RHC)-- Doctors Without Borders is accusing the United States of hoarding nearly 500 million excess doses of COVID-19 vaccines.  The group estimates nearly on million lives could be saved over the next year if the United States and other wealthy nations begin rapidly distributing excess doses to low-income nations. ... More

United Nations, October 12 (RHC)-- Leaders of the G20 nations held a virtual meeting on Tuesday to discuss ways to help address the growing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.... More

Guatemala City, October 12 (RHC)-- In Guatemala, there has been a shake-up in the Human Rights Prosecutor’s Office.  The office’s lead prosecutor, Hilda Piñeda, has been transferred, sparking criticism from human rights groups. ... More

Tegucigalpa, October 12 (RHC)-- In Honduras, a mayoral candidate for the progressive Libre party has been assassinated less than two months before the November elections.  Nery Fernando Reyes was shot dead in the town of Yusguare. ... More

Washington, October 12 (RHC)-- Donald Trump has paid tribute to Ashli Babbitt, the 35-year-old Trump supporter who was shot dead inside the Capitol during the January 6th insurrection. ... More

Caracas, October 12 (RHC)-- Representatives of the Indigenous peoples of Venezuela took part on Tuesday what they called a great walk of the native peoples to commemorate the 529 years of the Indigenous Resistance, which gathered in front of the Miraflores Presidential Palace.... More

The Hague, October 12 (RHC)-- Climate activists have filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, accusing him of "crimes against humanity" for his role in the destruction of the Amazon.... More

Washington, October 12 (RHC)-- In Washington, D.C., over 135 people were arrested outside the White House in an action on Monday to mark Indigenous Peoples’ Day and to call on President Biden to declare a climate emergency and stop approving fossil fuel projects. ... More
