Washington, October 10 (RHC)-- A U.S. congressional committee has found that former U.S. President Donald Trump hid millions of dollars in payments from foreign governments that came through his lavish hotel in Washington, DC.... More

Montevideo, October 10 (RHC)-- The former lieutenant of the Uruguayan Army, Carlos Chaine, known as "El Chajá," appears in court in a process opened by the judge of the Tacuarembó department, Carla Gómez, on charges such as deprivation of liberty, various physical constraints and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.... More

Santiago de Chile, October 10 (RHC)-- Carabineros repressed several protests that were took place over the weekend in Santiago de Chile against President Sebastián Piñera, who was pointed out in a corruption case, after the journalistic investigation called Pandora's Papers became known.... More

United Nations, October 10 (RHC)-- Iran says unilateral U.S. sanctions on developing countries have violated the indisputable and basic principles of human rights of these nations, stressing that such illegal restrictive measures amount to crime against humanity and contradict the goals of development.... More

Panama City, October 10 (RHC)-- More than 91,300 migrants – most of them Haitians – have trekked through Panama’s dangerous Darien Gap jungle so far this year in hopes of reaching North America, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said over the weekend.... More

New York, October 10 (RHC)-- A new investigation by Reuters has revealed AT&T, the world’s largest communications company, has played a major role creating and funding the far-right One America News Network, or OAN. ... More

Washington, October 10 (RHC)-- COVID-19 deaths and hospitalizations will not go down in the winter, top infectious diseases expert Dr. Anthony Fauci suggests.  Dr. Fauci made the comments in an interview with American commentator Greta Van Susteren, set to be aired on Sunday.... More

Washington, October 10 (RHC)-- Migration advocates in the United States are urging an international human rights commission to demand the Biden administration end the use of Title 42, a public health directive that allows the U.S. to immediately expel most migrants who arrive at its borders.... More

Vienna, October 10 (RHC)-- Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has announced he’s resigning amid a corruption probe that threatened to unravel his ruling coalition. Kurz, who’s replaced by his foreign minister, denies the allegations, vowing to fight to clear his name.... More

Bamako, October 10 (RHC)-- Mali has evidence that French forces present in its territory with a mission to counter terrorist groups have been instead “training” militants, the transitional government’s prime minister told Russia’s RIA news agency over the weekend.  According to the Malian official, France now controls an enclave in Kidal, with Mali having no access there.... More

Washington, October 10 (RHC)-- The former U.S. envoy for Haiti, who resigned last month in protest of the Biden administration’s mass deportations of Haitian migrants, has warned that sending people back to Haiti will worsen conditions in the crisis-hit Caribbean nation.... More

Berlin, October 10 (RHC)-- A 100-year-old ex-concentration camp guard has been put on trial in Germany, making him the oldest person yet to face the country’s docks for Nazi-era atrocities, on suspicion of being complicit in the murders of thousands.... More

Geneva, October 10 (RHC)-- The UN refugee chief has warned of a potential humanitarian catastrophe in Afhanistan if much-needed aid to the country is delayed, urging international donors to honor their financial pledges immediately.... More

Rome, October 10 (RHC)-- Opus Dei, an organization of the Catholic Church, has not responded to a complaint made by 43 women about human trafficking and slavery, ignoring the accusations made against them.... More

Rome, October 10 (RHC)-- The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has called on governments, companies and artists to boycott Dubai Expo 2020, which it says aims to "whitewash and distract attention from" Israel's "grave human rights violations."... More
