Montevideo, September 30 (RHC)-- High school students in Montevideo, capital of Uruguay, mobilized this Wednesday in rejection of the educational reform of the Government of Luis Lacalle Pou, and demanding the rights of this educational sector.... More

Ramallah, September 30 (RHC)-- Thousands of Israeli settlers have provocatively entered the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East al-Quds in a time span of one week under protection from the regime’s forces, as they  marked a seven-day Jewish holiday.... More

Brasilia, September 30 (RHC)-- Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is putting pressure on governors and lawmakers to reduce taxes on diesel and cooking gas in a bid to rein in rising energy prices that are hurting his popularity.... More

Santiago de Chile, September 30 (RHC)-- In Chile, lawmakers have approved debate on legislation that would expand access to abortions.  Chilean reproductive justice advocates are celebrating what is a “first step” toward the South American nation decriminalizing the procedure. ... More

Brussels, September 30 (RHC)-- The European Court of Justice has issued a ruling annulling two trade deals between the European Union and Morocco that included fishing and agricultural products from Western Sahara, a territory occupied by Morocco since 1975. ... More

Geneva, September 30 (RHC)-- An independent investigation has found over 80 alleged cases of sexual abuse and assault at the hands of aid workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo during the Ebola outbreak between 2018 and 2020.  Twenty of those involved were World Health Organization employees.  ... More

Quito, September 30 (RHC)-- Ecuadorean President Guillermo Lasso declared on Wednesday a state of emergency in the entire prison system, after the massacre that has left more than 100 dead occurred in Prison Number 1 in the city of Guayaquil, produced by a confrontation between criminal gangs.... More

Washington, September 30 (RHC)-- The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has said it is pushing to secure additional COVID-19 vaccines for residents of the Americas amid huge discrepancies in vaccination rates between countries in the region.... More

Berlin, September 30 (RHC)-- In Germany, Berlin residents voted in a referendum to seize back some 240,000 apartments from corporate landlords in an effort to combat gentrification and soaring rents. ... More

London, September 29 (RHC)-- Three more U.K. energy companies were pushed out of business by sky-high natural gas prices, bringing to more than 1.7 million the number of customers who have lost their supplier and adding to pressure on the government to step in.... More

Milan, September 29 (RHC)-- In Italy, a major gathering is taking place on climate change. Activists spoke out at the Youth4Climate conference in Milan.... More

Port-au-Prince, September 29 (RHC)-- In Haiti, elections planned for November have been postponed until 2022, after Prime Minister Ariel Henry dismissed the electoral council amid the country’s mounting political and humanitarian crises. ... More

Bogota, September 29 (RHC)-- Members of the Mobile Anti-Riot Squadron (ESMAD) repressed demonstrations that took place during the day of the National Strike against the government of Colombian President Ivan Duque.... More

Quito, September 29 (RHC)-- At least 24 prisoners have been killed in a battle between inmates equipped with firearms and grenades at a prison in Guayaquil, according to Ecuador’s national bureau of prisons (SNAI), which added that at least 42 others were wounded in the deadly riot.... More

Vienna, September 29 (RHC)-- Halting new investments in fossil fuels is “wrongheaded” despite global commitments to transition to greener energy, the head of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) said on Tuesday, as he warned that oil demand will continue to accelerate in the coming years as economies bounce back from the COVID-19 pandemic.... More
