Washington, August 22 (RHC)-- The United States government has extended a one-month ban on nonessential travel along the borders with Canada and Mexico to slow the rising spread of COVID-19 despite increasing political pressure to lift the restriction.... More

Washington, August 22 (RHC)-- Fifty-three Democrat members of the U.S. Congress have warned of the grim humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, and denounced the Israeli regime’s ban on the entry of essential materials into the impoverished coastal enclave and collective punishment of Palestinians there.... More

Lima, August 21 (RHC)-- The President of Peru, Pedro Castillo, swore in on Friday the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Óscar Maúrtua de Romaña.... More

Quito, August 21 (RHC)-- The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) has sent a high-level commission to the Carondelet Palace to talk with President Guillermo Lasso.... More

Berlin, August 21 (RHC)-- German nationals and locals fleeing the Taliban have to make their own way to Kabul airport, as the two light helicopters Berlin is sending will only be used in individual cases and not as a “taxi,” the Bundeswehr chief said.... More

Mexico City, August 21 (RHC)-- A Mexican radio journalist has been fatally shot in the Mexican Gulf coast state of Veracruz.   Jacinto Romero Flores was gunned down in the community of Potrerillo, in the township of Ixtaczoquitlan, on Thursday, Hugo Gutierrez Maldonado, the head of Veracruz state security agency, said on Twitter.... More

Madrid, August 21 (RHC)-- More than 50 people are feared dead after a boat capsized in the Atlantic Ocean about 220 kilometres (135 miles) off Spain’s Canary Islands.... More

Beirut, August 21 (RHC)-- Lebanon has issued a complaint to the United Nations after Israeli jets “blatantly violated” its airspace to carry out strikes at Syrian territory on Thursday.  The incursion reportedly forced two civilian flights to divert from their route.... More

La Paz, August 21 (RHC)-- Bolivia’s former interim president, Jeanine Añez .. who swore herself in as "president" following a coup in November 2019 -- has been charged with genocide and other crimes.  She is being charged over the deaths of 20 people who protested the ousting of the country’s longtime socialist leader, Evo Morales, in 2019.... More

Brasilia, August 21 (RHC)-- Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has requested the Senate to open impeachment proceedings against Supreme Federal Court (STF) Justice Alexandre de Moraes, for ordering a new investigation against the president for spreading false news and attacks on democracy.... More

Santiago de Chile, August 21 (RHC)-- In Chile, the coalition formed by six social democratic parties known as Unidad Constituyente will hold this Saturday a popular consultation to define its candidate for the presidential elections scheduled for next November.... More

Sydney, August 21 (RHC)-- Australian police clashed with hundreds of anti-lockdown protesters in Melbourne and Sydney on Saturday as officials reported the country's highest ever single-day rise in COVID-19 cases.... More

Guatemala City, August 21 (RHC)-- Social movements, peasants, students and other sectors of Guatemala have demonstrated again to demand the resignation of the president, Alejandro Giammattei, and the attorney general, Consuelo Porras, as well as the cessation of human rights violations against indigenous communities.... More

Beijing, August 21 (RHC)-- China has issued a further rebuke of Washington’s foreign policy, claiming the fall of Kabul further highlights that U.S. military interventions aren’t working and that the vast war chest could have been better spent elsewhere.... More

Ramallah, August 20 (RHC)-- Israeli forces have brutally dispersed Palestinians taking part in several anti-settlement protests across the occupied West Bank.... More
