New Delhi, August 18 (RHC)-- The Rights and Risk Analysis Group (RRAG) has urged the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to protect the Afghan nationals who have fled to India in the wake of the Taliban takeover of the country by granting them refugee status.... More

Auckland, August 18 (RHC)-- New Zealand’s first community case of COVID-19 in six months has been confirmed as the Delta variant and linked through genome sequencing to Australia, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has told reporters as the country began a snap lockdown to stamp out the virus.... More

Cairo, August 18 (RHC)--Israel has been accused of “acting like a cartoon villain” after it confiscated a shipment of chocolate bars headed for Gaza – alleging that these were part of a network financing Hamas operations.... More

Colorado Springs, August 18 (RHC)-- The United States government has for the first time in history officially declared a water shortage on the Colorado River, ordering mandatory cuts to water consumption across states in the Southwest. ... More

Washington, August 18 (RHC)-- In U.S. immigration news, the Joe Biden administration has appealed a Texas federal judge’s order to reinstate the contested Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” program. ... More

Bogota, August 18 (RHC)-- The former president of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, evaded before the Truth Commission the responsibility of his security policy during his administration (2002-2010) regarding extrajudicial executions perpetrated by members of the Army.... More

London, August 18 (RHC)-- Planes carrying hundreds of evacuees from Kabul have arrived in the United Kingdom and Germany as Western nations stepped up evacuation efforts and the Taliban promised women’s rights, media freedom and amnesty for government officials in Afghanistan.... More

Port-au-Prince, August 18 (RHC)-- Haiti's Civil Protection reported Tuesday that after three days of intense rescue work, the Caribbean country reports 1,941 deaths due to the 7.2 magnitude earthquake last Saturday.... More

Washington, August 17 (RHC)-- U.S. coronavirus cases continue to soar, with hospitalizations now at levels seen during last summer’s peak.... More

Minneapolis, August 17 (RHC)-- In northern Minnesota, where resistance to construction of the Enbridge Line 3 tar sands pipeline continues, four water protectors locked themselves to each other and to machines halting a pipeline worksite near Hay Creek.  Their protest followed similar direct actions last week.... More

Kabul, August 17 (RHC)-- The first German military plane to land in Kabul since the Taliban takeover has evacuated only seven people, the government said on Tuesday, due to chaos at the Afghan capital’s airport.... More

Lima, August 17 (RHC)-- The Peruvian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Héctor Béjar, presented this Tuesday his irrevocable resignation of his position after an intense defamation campaign where statements he gave years ago to local media were manipulated.... More

Bogota, August 18 (RHC)-- Former Colombian President Ernesto Samper highlighted Tuesday that progress is being made in Latin America to replace the neoliberal model with a more solidarity and integrationist one.   During an interview on the program "Notables," broadcast by teleSUR, the former president stressed that the Puebla Group "made the decision to initiate a process of construction of a model that we have called solidarity model of development that aims to replace the failed neoliberal model," he said.... More

Washington, August 17 (RHC)-- Haitian and immigrant justice advocates are denouncing the Biden administration for its ongoing deportations of Haitian asylum seekers — even after the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in July. ... More

La Paz, August 17 (RHC)-- The Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI-Bolivia) presented its report on the events that took place in Bolivia during September and December 2019.... More
