Brownsville, August 12 (RHC)-- The United States is encountering “unprecedented” numbers of people trying to illegally cross the US-Mexico border, according to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.... More

Rome, August 12 (RHC)-- In climate news, a weather station in Sicily recorded a high temperature of 48.8 degrees Celsius Wednesday — that’s 120 degrees Fahrenheit, an all-time record for Europe. ... More

Miami, August 12 (RHC)-- In the United States, Florida’s Health Department has asked the federal government to ship 300 ventilators, as hospitals are overrun with COVID patients in one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks in the world. ... More

Geneva, August 12 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization is warning that unless nations act urgently to slow the spread of coronavirus, the world could log another 100 million infections by the end of 2021. ... More

Canberra, August 12 (RHC)-- Australia’s capital Canberra has announced a snap one-week lockdown after reporting its first locally acquired case of COVID-19 in more than a year.... More

Santiago de Chile, August 12 (RHC)-- The Constitution Committee of the Chilean Senate approved with three votes in favor and two against, the idea of legislating the bill on pardoning political prisoners of the social outburst occurred in 2019.... More

Kabul, August 12 (RHC)-- The U.S. embassy in Kabul has urged American citizens to leave Afghanistan as soon as possible amid the Taliban’s advance against government forces throughout the country.... More

Mexico City, August 12 (RHC)-- The Latin American Council for Justice and Democracy (Clajud) of the Puebla Group issued a statement warning about the persecution of Salvadoran political leaders and the violation of the so-called due process in the Central American country.... More

New York, August 12 (RHC)-- NGOs Amnesty International and Project Ploughshares accused Ottawa of “willful blindness” and breaking arms trade laws in its multibillion-dollar weapons and equipment exports to Saudi Arabia – despite evidence of their “misuse.”... More

Geneva, August 12 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization (WHO) will test three new drugs as potential treatments for people in hospital with severe COVID-19 as it expands its global trial to 52 countries.... More

Ramallah, August 12 (RHC)-- A Palestinian official has warned of a “serious situation” created by Israel’s land theft in al-Quds, saying the regime has torn down more than 81 buildings in the occupied city since the beginning of 2021.... More

Caracas, August 12 (RHC)-- Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza described the coercive measures imposed by the United States and the European Union against his country as a "crime against humanity."... More

Castries, August 12 (RHC)-- St. Lucia's Foreign Minister Alva Baptiste announced that his country plans to withdraw from the self-styled Lima Group, as part of the new government's policy of non-interference in the affairs of other countries.... More

Washington, August 12 (RHC)-- The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is preparing to increase COVID-19 vaccine availability for member countries as the highly contagious Delta variant spreads through the region.... More

Canberra, August 12 (RHC)-- The Australian government has agreed to pay some $280 million in reparations to Indigenous people who were forcibly separated from their families as children.... More
