Moscow, June 29 (RHC)-- In Russia, torrential rains and heavy winds tore through Moscow on Monday, flooding streets and subway lines and uprooting trees.  The violent storm broke a record-setting heat wave that saw Moscow and St. Petersburg reach their highest June temperatures on record. ... More

Seattle, June 29 (RHC)-- In the U.S., the Pacific Northwest is sweltering under an unprecedented June heat wave fueled by the climate crisis, with all-time-high temperatures shattered in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia for the second day in a row. ... More

The case on the coup d'état in Bolivia in November 2019 continues this week with the call of the Prosecutor's Office for seven people to testify, including those who were in the line of succession after the forced resignation of Evo Morales, under pressure from the armed forces, high commanders of the police and right-wing politicians.... More

Cape Town, June 29 (RHC)-- From his 10-bed private clinic in western Johannesburg, Bayanda Gumende is more used to treating renal diseases than COVID-19. But with the city’s hospitals full, patients lingering in casualty wards for days and ambulances stuck waiting in car parks, that is beginning to change.... More

Lima, June 29 (RHC)-- The proclamation of the candidate for the Peru Libre party, Pedro Castillo, as president of Peru "cannot be delayed any longer," said former president Ollanta Humala in Lima.... More

Caracas, June 29 (RHC)-- Sixteen years after its creation, Petrocaribe continues to represent an integration mechanism that promotes regional socioeconomic development through the supply of oil and financing on favorable terms to other Latin American and Caribbean countries.... More

Bogota, June 29 (RHC)-- The non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Indepaz and Temblores have denounced that during the two months of the National Strike in Colombia, which has been developed under the "excessive use of violence by the security forces," 75 murders have been committed.... More

Ramallah, June 29 (RHC)-- Violence erupted after the demolition of a Palestinian business by Israeli forces began in the al-Bustan area of the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan on Tuesday.... More

Bogota, June 29 (RHC)-- Social organizations in the Colombian city of Medellin denounced this Monday new repressive actions perpetrated by agents of the Mobile Anti-Riot Squad (ESMAD) in the framework of a new day of mobilizations in several regions of the country.... More

Brasilia, June 29 (RHC)-- Several Brazilian senators requested to the Brazilian Supreme Court the opening of an investigation against President Jair Bolsonaro for alleged corruption offenses associated with the purchase of anti-COVID-19 vaccine with the Indian pharmaceutical Bharat Biotech.... More

Buenos Aires, June 29 (RHC)-- The Argentinean federal prosecutor Ramiro González charged former President Mauricio Macri on Monday with alleged concealment of part of his assets, following a complaint filed last week by the Anti-Corruption Office (OA).... More

Caracas, June 29 (RHC)-- The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, ratified on Monday his solidarity with the struggle of the Colombian people who have been mobilized for two months against the neoliberal policies of the government presided by Iván Duque.... More

Lima, June 29 (RHC)-- The Plenary of the National Jury of Elections (JNE) of Peru declared this Monday as unfounded 10 other appeals presented by Keiko Fujimori's political party, Fuerza Popular, regarding the nullity of the electoral records.... More

Washington, June 29 (RHC)-- U.S. President Joe Biden has expressed support for his Colombian counterpart, Ivan Duque, after a helicopter carrying the Colombian president and other government officials was fired upon late last week near the border with Venezuela.... More

Geneva, June 29 (RHC)-- Racism against people of African descent remains systemic in many parts of the world, the United Nations human rights chief has said, calling for states to dismantle discrimination and prosecute law enforcement officials for unlawful killings.... More
