Washington, June 18 (RHC)-- The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Nestlé and Cargill Thursday, after six former child slave laborers accused the massive corporations of complicity in their trafficking and enslavement. ... More

Brasilia, June 18 (RHC)-- Brazil reported another 2,300 COVID-19 deaths on Thursday, bringing its official death toll during the pandemic to nearly half a million. ... More

La Paz, June 18 (RHC)-- Leaked documents have revealed that a top Bolivian official plotted to deploy hundreds of mercenaries from the United States to stage a military coup and overturn the results of the South American country’s election last year.... More

Ramallah, June 18 (RHC)-- At least three Palestinians were hurt after Israeli forces stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem on Friday.  Following Friday prayers, Palestinian worshippers started a rally in support of the Prophet Muhammad in response to insults directed at him during a hardline Israeli march through the area on Tuesday.... More

Damascus, June 18 (RHC)-- Amid Washington’s attempts to further loot oil reserves and natural resources in Syria, the United States military has dispatched truckloads of ammunition and logistical equipment to the Arab country’s northeastern province of Hasakah.... More

Miami, June 18 (RHC)-- After initial reports in U.S. media about the alleged release on bail of former coup minister Arturo Murillo, the Bolivian consul in Miami, Oscar Vega Camacho, denied this claim.... More

St. Louis, June 18 (RHC)-- Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis, Missouri couple filmed brandishing an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle and a handgun at Black protesters that walked past their mansion last year, have agreed to pay fines and forfeit their weapons.... More

San Juan, June 18 (RHC)-- In Puerto Rico, another power failure left hundreds of thousands of homes in the dark across the island late Wednesday.  This is the second major outage following the recent takeover of the electric grid by U.S. and Canadian company LUMA Energy. ... More

Washington, June 18 (RHC)-- Democratic Massachusetts Congressmember Jim McGovern is calling on U.S. President Joe Biden to end deadly U.S. sanctions against Venezuela, suggesting they amount to collective punishment. ... More

Mexico City, June 18 (RHC)--In Mexico, authorities have identified remains belonging to one of the 43 disappeared and likely massacred students from a teachers’ college in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero. ... More

New York, June 18 (RHC)-- A new report warns the Earth is trapping about twice as much heat as it did just 16 years ago, largely due to the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. ... More

Athens, June 18 (RHC)-- In Greece, the conservative-led Parliament has passed a bill that allows employees to work more hours in a day in exchange for time off. ... More

Lima, June 18 (RHC)-- Political and social organizations and citizen collectives in Peru called on Thursday for a national day of marches in defense of the electoral victory of Pedro Castillo.  The mobilization was announced for Saturday, June 19, by the head of the New Peru Movement, Verónika Mendoza.... More

Tehran, June 18 (RHC)-- Polls opened nationwide in Iran’s 2021 presidential election.  Over 59.3 million Iranians are eligible to vote for one of four candidates running.  Polls opened across the country at 07:00 a.m. local time on Friday, June 18, and will run until 05:00 p.m.  Voting can be extended until 12:00 am on Saturday, and for two more hours then, if necessary.... More

Gaza City, June 18 (RHC)-- The Israeli regime attacked the Gaza Strip for a second time in as many days in outright violation of a fragile ceasefire that it had desperately demanded during its latest war on the Palestinian enclave.... More
