Minneapolis, June 16 (RHC)-- Water and land defenders in Minnesota are continuing resistance actions against Enbridge’s Line 3 pipeline.  On Tuesday, activists blockaded a semi-truck loaded with drilling equipment, lying on the ground and attaching themselves to the vehicle.  At least 30 people were arrested.... More

Austin, June 16 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of Texas, Republican Governor Greg Abbott has signed a controversial bill into law that prohibits educators from teaching about the history and social impacts of systemic racism in the United States. ... More

Washington, June 16 (RHC)-- The U.S. Senate has unanimously approved legislation that would make Juneteenth -- the day commemorating the end of slavery in the United States -- a federal holiday.... More

Fort Rupert, June 16 (RHC)-- Protesters have prevented an Israeli container ship from docking at one of the busiest seaports in Canada, in response to the latest war on the besieged Gaza Strip that left hundreds of people dead last month.... More

Luanda, June 16 (RHC)-- African journalists have called on the African Union and governments to  condemn Israel’s deliberate targeting of Palestinian journalists, and hold the regime legally accountable for crimes against media workers.... More

Beijing, June 16 (RHC)-- Beijing has warned NATO against exaggerating the perceived threat from China and “artificially creating confrontation,” after U.S. President Joe Biden urged Washington’s European allies to stand up to the Asian power.... More

Port of Spain, June 16 (RHC)-- The U.S. embassy in Trinidad and Tobago has been strongly criticized after saying it has donated 80 vials of COVID-19 vaccine to the island nation of 1.4 million people.  The U.S. embassy announced the donation in a tweet, saying that "every vaccine counts."... More

Geneva, June 16 (RHC)-- The United Nations human rights chief has urged Peruvians to “remain calm” as the official results of a deeply polarized presidential runoff have yet to be released, more than a week after the vote was held across the Andean nation.... More

Washington, June 16 (RHC)-- COVID-19 infections are rising in at least eight U.S. states as some Americans refuse to get vaccinated, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.... More

Mexico City, June 16 (RHC)-- Mexico plans to gradually lift pandemic-related restrictions along its shared border with the United States as it progresses in vaccinating the local population against COVID-19, Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said on Tuesday.... More

Geneva, June 16 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization has warned that the coronavirus is spreading faster than the global distribution of vaccines. ... More

Brasilia, June 16 (RHC)-- Brazil has opened the Copa América soccer tournament despite one of the world’s worst COVID outbreaks.  Brazil’s Health Ministry has identified more than 40 COVID cases connected with Copa América, including 31 players or staffers.  ... More

New York, June 16 (RHC)-- Former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Reality Winner has been released from prison into a halfway house, where she’ll serve the remaining six months of her sentence. ... More

Quito, June 16 (RHC)-- Ecuadorian Assemblyman Fausto Jarrín Terán denounced this Tuesday the former president of the nation Lenín Moreno before the Attorney General's Office (FGE) for his support of the Bolivian de facto government of Jeanine Áñez by sending ammunition and tear gas.... More

Caracas, June 16 (RHC)-- Venezuela's Minister for Food, Carlos Leal Tellería, has asked in the framework of the 42nd Session of the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), to intercede for the cessation of the illegal economic, financial and trade sanctions suffered by his country in order to comply with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).... More
