Geneva, June 2 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization has approved the emergency use of a COVID-19 jab made by Sinovac, paving the way for a second vaccine produced in China to be distributed among developing countries.   The UN health agency gave the green light to the two-shot vaccine on Tuesday as the jab “meets international standards for safety, efficacy and manufacturing,” read a statement.... More

Montreal, June 2 (RHC)-- “They would just start beating you and lose control and hurl you against the wall, throw you on the floor, kick you, punch you.   That is how Geraldine Bob, a survivor of the Kamloops Indian Residential School, described her experience at the facility in the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC), where the remains of 215 Indigenous children were recently found in an unmarked grave.... More

Washington, June 2 (RHC)-- In the U.S., rights groups are demanding the Joe Biden administration stop using GPS-tracking ankle monitors and other technologies to surveil asylum seekers and immigrants.  Nearly 100,000 people are currently tracked by the devices that critics have dubbed “digital shackles.” Mijente and Just Futures Law hosted a panel on technology in immigration practices Tuesday. ... More

San Juan, June 2 (RHC)-- In Puerto Rico, unions are planning a general strike in response to the privatization of the island’s power system.  Labor leaders are demanding the cancellation of a contract with the private U.S. and Canadian company LUMA Energy, which formally took over the management of Puerto Rico’s electric grid yesterday from PREPA, which was devastated by Hurricane Maria. ... More

Tehran, June 2 (RHC)-- One of Iran’s largest navy ships has sunk after catching fire near the Strait of Hormuz under unclear circumstances.  The Kharg, named after an island nearby that serves as a key oil terminal, caught fire in the early hours of Wednesday local time and more than 20 hours of rescue operations failed to save it, the army said.... More

Guatemala City, June 2 (RHC)-- The spokesman of the National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction of Guatemala (Conred), David de León, from the official Twitter account of the institution, reported that during 2021, the rains caused in Guatemala 107,057 affected.  ... More

Washington, June 2 (RHC)-- The U.S. government has reportedly made around $110 million by selling off 2 million barrels of crude oil which it seized along with a tanker off the coast of the UAE after alleging that the product was Iranian.... More

Washington, June 2 (RHC)-- Millions of people are losing their lives with no access to vaccines in poor countries, while rich countries are sitting on large caches of surplus vaccines, and refusing to share them.  The dire situation has prompted a call by several leading organizations for world leaders to make a “new commitment" to a more equal distribution of coronavirus vaccines.... More

Ramallah, June 1 (RHC)-- A group of Jewish far-right extremists planned to attack Palestinians earlier this month by pelting them with Molotov cocktails but ultimately failed to find their own hidden weapons stash, the Israeli media have revealed.... More

Mexico City, June 2 (RHC)-- Mexican authorities report that they began delivering mechanical respirators to Latin American countries, in order to contribute to the care of people infected with COVID-19.   The Ministries of Foreign Affairs (SRE) and National Defense (Sedena), as well as the Mexican Agency of International Cooperation for Development (Amexcid) indicated that 10 nations in the region will benefit.... More

La Paz, June 1 (RHC)-- The former foreign minister of the past de facto government of Bolivia, Karen Longaric, was summoned on Tuesday by the Attorney General's Office to give an informative statement, as a witness, as part of the investigation into the purchase of tear gas at an overpriced amount.... More

Cali, June 1 (RHC)-- Two people participating in a peaceful sit-in in the north of Cali, in western Colombia, were killed with firearms by assassins, according to preliminary information, in the framework of mobilizations, sit-ins and blockades against the neoliberal policies of the government of Iván Duque.... More

Madrid, June 1 (RHC)-- Spain’s High Court on Tuesday turned down a request for Western Sahara independence leader Brahim Ghali to be taken into custody, saying the plaintiffs in a war crimes case against him had failed to provide evidence he had committed any crime.... More

Geneva, June 1 (RHC)-- In Geneva, officials at the World Health Organization have called for a new international treaty on pandemic preparedness.  WHO Emergencies Director Mike Ryan said that in the fight against emerging diseases, pathogens have the upper hand.  ... More

Dallas, June 1 (RHC)-- Ex-President Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, has called for a military coup d’état to overthrow the U.S. government -- similar to the February coup in Burma that killed hundreds of people. ... More
