New York, May 31 (RHC)-- Hundreds of international musicians have signed on to an open letter that calls upon other artists to boycott performances in Israel until the Tel Aviv regime puts an end to its occupation of Palestinian territories, which have been under Israeli military control since 1967.... More

New York, May 31 (RHC)-- A pro-Israeli U.S. group is promoting ‘Iron Dome’ -- a smirking flying superhero who reminds critics of supremacist villains.   The Israel-themed superhero character nicknamed ‘Iron Dome’ has attracted mockery on Twitter, as users were left unconvinced of his virtues.... More

New Delhi, May 31 (RHC)-- When Shonalika Ghosh’s father tested positive for COVID-19 in India’s capital New Delhi, she had to monitor his symptoms and coordinate remotely from Dubai, where she lives.  Along with friends and family who helped deliver medicines and supplies, it was the support of the managing committee of the apartment complex that was particularly reassuring.... More

Guatemala City, May 31 (RHC)-- Heavy torrential rain has been affecting the Central American country of Guatemala.  Authorities emphasize that fortunately there have been no human losses due rising flood waters.  The rain that fell over the weekend in Guatemala left more than 13,000 people affected, 65 evacuations and at least 20 people were transferred to temporary shelters.... More

Bogota, May 31 (RHC)-- The Colombian capital recorded on Sunday another night of repression by the Mobile Anti-Riot Squad (ESMAD) in the area of Portal de las Americas.  According to witnesses of the police action, at least 11 people were injured and four were detained by repressive force... More

London, May 31 (RHC)-- British media coverage of the recent Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip was “biased” against Palestinians and “skewed” public impressions, according to a new report.  The Muslim Council of Britain's Centre for Media Monitoring (CfMM) analyzed the British media coverage of the conflict in a 44-page report entitled “Media Reporting on Palestine 2021.”... More

United Nations, May 30 (RHC)-- Speaking in a key international partnerships summit, António Guterres said that if governments embrace together the goals of phasing out coal, enhancing climate commitments, and investing in the Global Goals, there is an opportunity to rise to 'the biggest challenge of our lives.'... More

Geneva, May 30 (RHC)-- The UN rights chief voiced alarm on Sunday at deadly clashes in the Colombian city of Cali, calling for an independent investigation and accountability for the violence.... More

Goma, May 30 (RHC)-- Thousands of people have fled Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo after a volcanic eruption.  Many say they lack shelter, food and drinking water.... More

Kuala Lumpur, May 30 (RHC)-- All manufacturing sectors – with an exception for those deemed necessary – will be shut down as Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin orders a “total lockdown” of the country to combat a surge in Covid-19 cases.... More

Bogota, May 30 (RHC)-- The Peasant Association of the Cimitarra River Valley denounced the murder of social leader Jair Adán Roldán Morales, who was taken from his home in the village of El Tamar in the municipality of Remedios, in the northern department of Antioquia.... More

Stuttgart, May 30 (RHC)-- An attempt by German police to disperse a crowd of young revelers in Stuttgart late on Saturday ended up in clashes that left five officers injured. Large gatherings are still banned in the city because of COVID-19.... More

Tehran, May 30 (RHC)-- Iran’s defense minister says Palestinian missiles and drones will continue to haunt illegal Israeli settlers in the occupied territories following the regime’s recent failed aggression against the besieged Gaza Strip.... More

Washington, May 30 (RHC)-- The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden has asked a federal judge to toss lawsuits filed against former President Donald Trump and his senior officials over last June’s violent clearing of a peaceful protest near the White House by the U.S. military and police.... More

Washington, May 30 (RHC)-- Leading American news publication Foreign Policy says the United States should no longer give Israel unconditional economic, military, and diplomatic support due to the “zero” benefits of such policy and its rising costs.... More
