Kabul, May 9 (RHC)-- An explosion near a school in a Shia district of west Kabul has killed at least 30 people, many of them young female students, an Afghan government spokesmen said.  Ambulances rushed to evacuate the wounded from the scene of the blast on Saturday near Syed Al-Shahda school, in the Shia majority neighbourhood of Dasht-e-Barchi, Interior Ministry spokesman Tariq Arian said.  He did not specify the cause or the target of the explosion.... More

Geneva, May 9 (RHC)-- The United Nations urged Israel on Friday to call off any forced evictions in Israeli-annexed East Jerusalem warning its actions could amount to “war crimes.”  “We call on Israel to immediately call off all forced evictions,” UN rights office spokesman Rupert Colville told reporters in Geneva.... More

Rio de Janeiro, May 9 (RHC)-- Hundreds of people held a day of protest to demand justice after a police operation in a favela in the city of Rio de Janeiro, which left 28 people dead.... More

New Delhi, May 9 (RHC)-- India recorded more than 4,000 coronavirus deaths in a day for the first time as more states imposed lockdowns in a desperate bid to halt the devastating new COVID-19 surge.  The 4,187 new deaths took India’s overall toll to 238,270 since the pandemic started.  It added another 401,078 new cases in 24 hours taking its caseload to nearly 21.9 million – second only to the United States.... More

Brussels, May 9 (RHC)-- Major Western European countries have expressed reservations about a proposal to waive patent rights on COVID-19 vaccines -- now backed by U.S. President Joe Biden -- insisting that key to ending the coronavirus outbreak was faster manufacturing and sharing the vaccine.... More

Bogota, May 8 (RHC)-- Demonstrations took place on Saturday in Colombia -- the 11th day of protests against the neoliberal policies of the government of Ivan Duque.  ... More

Ramallah, May 8 (RHC)-- More than 200 people, mostly Palestinians, were wounded late on Friday outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem as Israeli police fired rubber-coated metal bullets and stun grenades towards rock-hurling Palestinians.... More

Bogota, May 8 (RHC)-- The organization in defense of Human Rights, Temblores, denounced in a communiqué that at least 1,773 cases of physical violence have been committed by the Police, among them 37 homicides since the beginning of the social mobilizations in Colombia.... More

Ramallah, May 8 (RHC)-- Israeli forces have shot and killed two young Palestinian men and seriously injured another in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.   The Israeli police, in a statement released on Friday, alleged that the three Palestinians were armed with makeshift Carlo-style submachine guns and knives, and they opened fire on the gate of the Salem base before being shot by border forces. ... More

Jerusalem, May 8 (RHC)-- More than 170 Palestinians have been injured after Israeli police stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque and dispersed worshippers elsewhere in occupied East Jerusalem, as weeks-long tensions between Israel and the Palestinians over Jerusalem soared again.... More

La Paz, May 8 (RHC)-- Bolivian President Luis Arce recognized the contributions of Vice President David Choquehuanca in the struggle to build a new country.  The president congratulated the vice president on his birthday on Twitter and praised his daily efforts in favor of the people, his important role in the re-foundation of Bolivia and his drive for the creation of a Plurinational State.... More

Bogota, May 8 (RHC)-- Bogota, the capital of Colombia, has experienced yet another night of repression by the Mobile Anti-Riot Squad (Esmad) that attacked demonstrators who were holding an evening to remember those killed by police brutality during protests against President Ivan Duque.... More

Jerusalem, May 8 (RHC)-- Tens of thousands of Palestinian worshippers packed into Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque on the final Friday of Ramadan and many stayed on to protest in support of Palestinians facing eviction from their homes on Israeli-occupied land claimed by Jewish settlers.... More

Mexico City, May 8 (RHC)-- Mexico has sent a diplomatic note asking the United States to explain funding for an anti-corruption group critical of the government, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said shortly before a scheduled call with U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris.... More

Seattle, May 7 (RHC)-- A new study from the University of Washington estimates the true toll of the pandemic is far higher than governments have reported. ... More
