Berlin, May 7 (RHC)-- German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she opposes a push at the World Trade Organization to waive patent rights for COVID-19 vaccines.  Since the WTO operates by consensus, Germany’s opposition could derail efforts to transfer vaccine technology to factories in places like India and Brazil. ... More

Kabul, May 7 (RHC)-- The Pentagon has sent military reinforcements to Afghanistan to oversee the withdrawal of U.S. and coalition forces.  ... More

Washington, May 7 (RHC)-- In the U.S., CodePink co-founder Medea Benjamin interrupted a shareholder meeting of General Dynamics to protest the company’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other countries.  Medea Benjamin addressed General Dynamics CEO Phebe Novakovic, who she says has personally pocketed $21 million a year.... More

Minneapolis, May 7 (RHC)-- Indigenous leaders and climate activists held a Global Day of Action to halt and defund the Enbridge Line 3 pipeline in northern Minnesota.  Protests took place at banks in cities across the U.S., as well as in Japan, Switzerland, Sierra Leone, Costa Rica, Canada and across Europe.... More

Bogota, May 7 (RHC)-- More than 900 arbitrary detentions have been registered during the repression by agents of the Mobile Anti-Riot Squad (ESMAD) and the Colombian Army against demonstrators who reject the neoliberal policies of President Ivan Duque.  According to Plataforma Grita, a new balance published this Thursday notes that since the beginning of the National Strike, last April 28th, and until May 6th, there have been 934 arbitrary detentions, 1,728 cases of police violence and 234 victims of physical violence.... More

United Nations, May 7 (RHC)-- Food insecurity in the world’s poorest countries reached record highs in 2020, with millions staring at famine, a situation exacerbated in part by the COVID pandemic, according to a UN report.... More

Brussels, May 7 (RYC)-- A group of European companies including Tesco and Marks & Spencer have threatened to stop using Brazilian agricultural commodities if the country’s Congress passes a law expanding property rights for squatters on public land.... More

Washington, May 7 (RHC)-- Air safety officials in the United States have asked Boeing Co to supply fresh analysis and documentation showing that numerous subsystems in its 737 MAX planes would not be affected by electrical grounding issues first flagged in three areas of the jet in April, two people familiar with the matter have told the Reuters news agency.... More

Tokyo, May 7 (RHC)-- The International Olympic Committee has banned the slogan “Black Lives Matter” from apparel worn by athletes at the upcoming Summer Games in Tokyo.  The IOC also said it will punish athletes who raise a fist or kneel during the playing of the national anthem. ... More

New York, May 7 (RHC)-- Former U.S. intelligence analyst Daniel Hale has been unexpectedly arrested and jailed ahead of his sentencing, which is scheduled for July 13th. ... More

New York, May 7 (RHC)-- A new study finds the world faces “rapid and unstoppable” sea level rise in the coming decades, unless nations meet their pledges to cut emissions under the Paris Climate Agreement. ... More

Rio de Janeiro, May 7 (RHC)-- At least 25 people have been killed after hundreds of heavily armed police stormed into one of Rio de Janeiro’s largest slum areas, reportedly targeting drug traffickers.  Local media showed live footage of seven armed young men hopping through the roofs of North Zone’s Jacarezinho favela in the early hours of Thursday morning, as bulletproof helicopters hovered over them.... More

Tehran, May 7 (RHC)-- The Iranian foreign minister describes Palestine as a yardstick for justice, reiterating Iran's unwavering support for Palestinian people who "resist the brutality of an apartheid regime" in the Israeli occupied territories.... More

Tehran, May 6 (RHC)-- According to new reports from Tehran, Iran will not accept the new demands put forward by the United States and the Europeans in the course of the diplomatic process underway on potential revival of the 2015 nuclear agreement.... More

New Delhi, May 6 (RHC)-- India’s government is facing growing pressure to impose a nationwide lockdown to stem the devastating coronavirus surge that has overwhelmed hospitals and morgues.... More
