Caracas, April 29 (RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro expressed this Wednesday during the posthumous tribute ceremony to Education Minister Aristóbulo Istúriz, held at the Federal Legislative Palace, that his passing "is a great blow for the people of Venezuela." ... More

Washington, April 29 (RHC)-- The president of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) of Bolivia, Salvador Romero, announced Wednesday that he is resigning from his position as head of the electoral body.... More

La Paz, April 28 (RHC)-- The president of the Bolivian Senate, Andrónico Rodríguez, has filed this Tuesday a complaint against the former de facto president Jeanine Áñez, for the crimes of sedition, conspiracy and other crimes, allegedly committed when she proclaimed herself ruler in the context of the coup d'état against Evo Morales.... More

Brasilia, April 28 (RHC)-- The Brazilian president’s chief of staff didn’t realize his comments were being livestreamed on Tuesday when he dismissed his boss’ approach to the coronavirus and said he feared for the life of Jair Bolsonaro because he hasn’t yet been vaccinated.... More

London, April 28 (RHC)-- The United Kingdom’s Electoral Commission opened an investigation on Wednesday into the financing of the refurbishment of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s flat, saying there were grounds to suspect an offence may have been committed.... More

New Delhi, April 28 (RHC)-- India’s toll from the coronavirus surged past 200,000 on Wednesday, the country’s deadliest day yet, as shortages of oxygen, medical supplies and hospital staff compounded a record number of new infections.... More

Brussels, April 28 (RHC)-- New plans by the European Commission to deport hundreds of thousands of refugees from the EU are met with criticism from civil society organizations.  The EU's coast guard agency, Frontex, is accused of using aggressive tactics to prevent refugees from reaching the bloc. ... More

Ouagadougou, April 28 (RHC)-- A record 29 million people in six countries of the unrest-hit Sahel region are in need of humanitarian assistance in the face of “unparalleled” insecurity and growing hunger, the United Nations and NGOs have warned.... More

Geneva, April 28 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization (WHO) has said the wave of COVID-19 infections in India is the result of a “perfect storm” of mass gatherings, more contagious variants and low vaccination rates.... More

Caracas, April 28 (RHC)-- The Education Minister of Venezuela, Aristóbulo Istúriz, has died in Caracas at the age of 74.  Upon the announcement of his passing, late Tuesday night, messages from political and social representatives of Venezuela were not long in coming, highlighting the social and political struggle of Istúriz throughout his life.... More

Washington, April 28 (RHC)-- The freezing of Venezuela’s assets by the United States, at a time when the Latin American country is grappling with a huge economic crisis, is tantamount to “an act of war,” according to a U.S.-based attorney.  Dan Kovalik, an American labor rights lawyer and peace activist, termed the freezing of assets by the U.S. and its close ally the UK “very disturbing.”... More

New York, April 28 (RHC)-- Human Rights Watch has concluded that Israel is committing the crimes against humanity of "apartheid and persecution" against Palestinians, and said it plans to forward its findings to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for due action.... More

Brasilia, April 28 (RHC)-- Brazil’s Senate has opened its inquiry into President Jair Bolsonaro‘s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the South American country rapidly approaches the somber milestone of 400,000 coronavirus-related deaths.... More

Asunción, April 27 (RHC)-- Paraguay reported on Monday the highest number of deaths due to coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic, with more than 100 deaths in 24 hours.  The Paraguayan Ministry of Health registered 102 deaths due to COVID-19, bringing the number of deaths to 6,002.... More

Athens, April 27 (RHC)-- European Union legislators have voted to lift the immunity of Greek MEP Ioannis Lagos, a former leader of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party who has been sentenced to jail in his homeland.... More
