New York, March 30 (RHC)-- Ghislaine Maxwell -- the British socialite who is accused of luring girls to be sexually abused by convicted predator and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein -- has been indicted on two more sex trafficking charges, including trafficking a minor. ... More

Sioux Falls, March 30 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of South Dakota, two Indigenous activists face criminal charges over their roles in opposing construction of the Keystone XL pipeline — which President Biden halted on his first day in office.  The two are among a small number of water and land defenders who’ve vowed to maintain an encampment on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation near the pipeline route until all pipeline infrastructure is removed. ... More

San Pedro Sula, March 30 (RHC)-- A new caravan of migrants began to form late Monday night in the Honduran city of San Pedro Sula in the north of the Central American country.  According to local media, hundreds have gathered at the main bus terminal of the city, to organize and begin the new mobilization.  The participants in the march said that they will concentrate in small groups and eventually gather at the border with Guatemala.... More

Ramallah, March 30 (RHC)-- Israel has detained two more Palestinians under the age of 18 in the occupied West Bank.  The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) said on Monday that Amal Nakhleh, from the Jalazoun refugee camp, and Faisal al-Arouj, from the city of Bethlehem, were taken away from their homes.  The 17-year-old duo is being held in the Megiddo detention center without charge or trial.  ... More

Mexico City, March 30 (RHC)-- Mexican prosecutors have announced that they have opened a homicide investigation into the death of a Salvadoran woman who was shown on video being pinned to the ground by a female police officer -- drawing similarities with the death of George Floyd last year.... More

Ramallah, March 30 (RHC)-- The Palestinian Authority received 100,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses from China on Monday, a shipment Minister of Health Mai al-Kaila said would “greatly contribute to accelerating the vaccination campaign.”... More

Berlin, March 30 (RHC)-- Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel is under growing fire for her alleged failure to come up with a plan to reverse the increasing spread of coronavirus infections in the European country.... More

Atlanta, March 30 (RHC)-- A top health official in the United States has warned of “impending doom” amid rising cases of COVID-19, even as the country continues to outpace expectations on vaccine distribution.... More

Geneva, March 30 (RHC)-- A Geneva-based rights group has warned about the deadly prison conditions faced by scores of Palestinians and Jordanians, who are being kept in Saudi Arabia for assisting Palestinian resistance groups.... More

Gaza City, March 30 (RHC)-- Local authorities in the blockaded Gaza Strip have imposed a night time lock-down to help combat the spread of coronavirus.... More

London, March 29 (RHC)-- Pope Francis has conveyed a personal message to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who remains incarcerated in a British maximum security prison battling possible extradition to the United States, the publisher’s partner has said.... More

Brasilia, March 29 (RHC)-- Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has replaced six ministers in a sweeping cabinet reshuffle that comes as the far-right leader faces mounting pressure to account for his government’s handling of a surging COVID-19 pandemic.... More

Bogota, March 29 (RHC)-- Three people were killed on Sunday in the municipality of Jamundí, located in the Valle del Cauca department, in southwestern Colombia, reported the Institute for Development and Peace Studies (Indepaz).... More

Geneva, March 29 (RHC)-- A joint WHO-China study on the origins of COVID-19 says that transmission of the virus from bats to humans through another animal is the most likely scenario and that a lab leak is “extremely unlikely,” according to a draft copy obtained by The Associated Press.... More

Beijing, March 29 (RHC)-- Beijing says the United States and some European countries “don't really care about Muslims,” but they are using the issue of Uighur Muslims to sow discord between China and the Muslim world.... More
