Buenos Aires, March 24 (RHC)-- Argentina formalized its withdrawal from the Lima Group this Wednesday, considering that the actions that this forum has been carrying out at international level, trying to isolate the Venezuelan Government and its representatives, have not led to anything, according to a press release from the Foreign Ministry.... More

Mexico City, March 24 (RHC)-- Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has urged Washington to help spur development in Central America to tackle the root causes of illegal immigration before a meeting with US officials over how to contain a jump in arrivals at the border.... More

​​​​​​​Sanaa, March 26 (RHC)-- Children made up one-quarter of civilian casualties over the last three years in the Saudi-led war against Yemen.  More than 2,300 children were killed between 2018 and 2020, Save the Children said in a new study.  However, the aid agency said the actual toll is likely to be much higher.... More

Buenos Aires, March 24 (RHC)-- Commemorations of the "Day of Memory for Truth and Justice" -- 45 years after the military coup that installed a civil-military dictatorship in Argentina -- took place on Wednesday with activities across the country and extended into cyberspace.... More

Bogota, March 24 (RHC)-- Another indigenous leader lost his life on Monday in Colombia, when unknown armed men broke into the San Andrés de Pisimbalá municipality's reservation in the municipality of Inzá, department of Cauca, and attempted the kidnapping of four community members.... More

Tegucigalpa, March 24 (RHC)-- An Indigenous environmental activist has been killed in Honduras in the latest of many attacks on environmentalists.  Carlos Cerros, a representative of the Indigenous Lenca people, was shot dead in the street near the city of San Antonio in the northwest of the country, the daily La Prensa reported.... More

Sydney, March 24 (RHC)-- Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he was “shocked” and “disgusted” by leaked videos of male government staff performing lewd acts in Parliament, including one of a man masturbating on the desk of a female legislator.... More

Tel Aviv, March 24 (RHC)-- Israel may continue to be stuck in political deadlock following its fourth parliamentary elections in two years as initial exit polls show there is no clear winner, leaving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's fate uncertain.... More

Brasilia, March 24 (RHC)-- The Brazilian Supreme Court has ruled that a judge was “biased” in convicting former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of corruption in 2017, in the latest victory for the left-wing leader.  Justice Carmen Lucia on Tuesday reversed an earlier decision, swinging the majority 3-2 in Lula’s favor.... More

Mexico City, March 24 (RHC)-- The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, arrived close to midnight this Tuesday in Mexico City for a three-day official visit, during which he will meet with his Mexican counterpart, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).... More

Quito, March 24 (RHC)-- Ecuador's ombudsman, Freddy Carrión, filed a complaint on Tuesday before the Attorney General's Office against President Lenín Moreno, for crimes against humanity that occurred during the massive protests of October 2019.... More

Montreal, March 24 (RHC)-- Anti-Asian racism has reached a “crisis point” in Canada, community advocates and human rights experts said on Tuesday, as a new report detailed over 1,100 hate incidents targeting members of Asian-Canadian communities over the past year.... More

La Paz, March 24 (RHC)-- Bolivian President Luis Arce has affirmed that the maritime demand for an outlet to the sea is an issue that remains "open and pending" and asked Chile to restart the dialogue to solve the historical enclosure of the country.... More

Buenos Aires, March 24 (RHC)-- Argentinean President Alberto Fernández, speaking during his visit to the vaccination center at the University of Lanús, said that the province of Buenos Aires reached one million people vaccinated with the first dose of the Sputnik V vaccine.... More

New York, March 24 (RHC)-- AstraZeneca says its COVID-19 vaccine showed 79% efficacy against symptomatic disease among participants in a large clinical trial in the United States.  The vaccine was 100% effective in preventing serious illness and death. ... More
