Santiago de Cuba, July 25, (RHC), – Festivities for the half millennium of the founding of Santiago, began Friday with the artistic gala “Santiago de Cuba: 500 years of history and culture.”... More

Havana, July 25, (RHC), – Nicaraguan President, Daniel Ortega, sent a message to the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, and to Cuban President, Raul Castro, marking 26th opf july or National Day of Rebeliousness.... More

Montevideo, July 25, (RHC), -- The resumption of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States opens the door to hemispheric ties based on respect for the autonomy and self-determination of peoples, the Parlasur, or Parliament of the Southern Common Market, said in a statement Friday.... More

Havana, July 24 (RHC)-- The leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, sent a congratulatory letter to the multinational TV network teleSUR, in celebration of its 10th anniversary this July 24th. ... More

Havana, July 24 (RHC) --- European and Latin American social activists and members of the 22nd Latin American and Caribbean Brigade of volunteer work and solidarity with Cuba, described the island as a standard and example for the peoples of the world. ... More

Havana, July 23 (RHC) –- Cuban President Raul Castro held a meeting Wednesday afternoon with Daniel Scioli, Governor of the Argentinean province of Buenos Aires, who is paying an official visit to Cuba.... More

Havana, July 23 (RHC) -- Representatives of the Colombian government and the FARC, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army, are holding talks today in Havana as a new round of talks gets underway.... More

Havana, July 23 (RHC) –- Cuba's Banco Internacional de Comercio (BICSA) and the U.S. Stonegate, based in Florida, signed an accord to set up a correspondent account, banking authorities confirmed in Havana.... More

Havana, July 23 (RHC) –- Mexico's Sugar Experts Association, ATAM, and its Cuban counterpart ATAC, have signed an accord to strengthen bilateral cooperation.... More

Havana, July 23 (RHC) –- The reservoirs in eastern Guantanamo province are exhausted due to severe drought in the region, according to specialists with the Cuban Water Resources Institute.... More

Havana, July 23 (RHC) –- Cuba denounced in Geneva actions by some Western countries to hinder the advance of the struggle against racism, xenophobia and discrimination.... More

Washington, July 23 (RHC) –- Cubans and Americans are ready to move forward after the reestablishment of bilateral relations, even though both countries still remain politically distant, said an article published in the White House's blog in Spanish.... More

Washington, July 23 (RHC) –- In related news, the government of the United States said it would evaluate by early 2016 a possible visit to Cuba by President Barack Obama. Likewise, the possibility of Americans being to travel individually to Cuba and not only in groups will also be assessed, White House sources said.... More

San Salvador, July 22 (RHC) -- The Cuban Five have concluded a brief but intense visit to El Salvador, which was described by the president of that Central American nation, Salvador Sanchez Ceren, as “an historic moment.”... More

Havana, July 22 (RHC) -- Young Venezuelan members of the Movement of Friendship and Mutual Solidarity Venezuela-Cuba traveled to Havana today to participate in activities of international support for our country.... More
