Havana, July 17 (RHC)-- Bishops of the Catholic Church in Cuba welcomed the message of hope and compassion that Pope Francis will bring to all Cubans during his visit from September 19th to the 22nd. ... More

Havana, July 17 (RHC) –- Cuban President Raul Castro met on Thursday evening with German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who is on a two-day official visit to Cuba.... More

Havana, July 17 (RHC) –- The official re-opening of the Cuban embassy in Washington D.C. on Monday morning, July 20th will be attended by over 30 Cuban personalities and nearly 500 guests, a senior diplomat said in Havana.... More

Havana, July 17 (RHC) –- Germany and Cuba have signed framework accords to formalize future ties. The agreements were signed on Thursday following a meeting between the visiting German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his Cuban counterpart, Bruno Rodriguez.... More

Havana, July 17 (RHC) –- Moreover, addressing reporters at the conference, the Cuban diplomat said the United States may still be attempting to promote regime change in Cuba, despite a public promise from U.S. President Barack Obama disowning the practice.... More

Luanda, July 17 (RHC) -- Cuban Vice President of the Council of Ministers Ricardo Cabrisas concluded on Thursday a four-day visit to Angola, where the political determination of both governments to strengthen cooperation, was ratified.... More

Santiago de Cuba, July 16 (RHC)-- The CubaCaribe Business Forum takes place today and tomorrow in the eastern province of Santiago de Cuba with the aim of strengthening economic and trade relations with neighboring nations. ... More

Bogota, July 16 (RHC)-- The representation in Colombia of the World Federation of Trade Unions, the WFTU, has demanded the immediate lifting of the unjust economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba for over half a century. ... More

Havana, July 16 (RHC)-- Seven companies received approval to operate in the Cuban port of Mariel and the surrounding industrial area. ... More

Addis Ababa, July 16 (RHC)-- During the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, taking place in Addis Ababa, Cuba has pointed to the historical responsibility and moral duty of the industrialized countries toward the sustainable development of the nations of the South.... More

Havana, July 16 (RHC) -– Cuban President Raul Castro has called on his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama to use his executive powers to dismantle the economic, trade and financial blockade imposed by Washington on Havana.... More

Mexico City, July 16 (RHC) -– Members of the 26th Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba, an initiative that has brought tons of humanitarian assistance to Cuba over the years in defiance of the U.S. blockade, arrived in Mexico on their way to Havana.... More

Miami, July 16 (RHC) –- Haimark Line is the latest tour company to announce plans to operate cruises from Florida to Cuba starting next February.... More

Havana, July 15 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro delivered the closing address on Wednesday of the 5th Period of Ordinary Sessions of the 8th Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power.... More

Havana, July 15 (RHC) -- Cuban President Raul Castro presided over the plenary session of the National Assembly of People's Power (Cuban Parliament), which opened Wednesday morning following three days of intense debates by the parliament's ten permanent working commissions.... More
