Cuba marks World Population Day

Havana, July 11, (RHC), – On this July 11, Cuba is celebrating the World Population Day with a diverse program of cultural and academic activities.... More

Havana, July 11 (RHC-PL), -- The National Statistics Office of Cuba (ONEI) indicated that in May the visits of foreign tourists increased by 21 percent.... More

Havana, July 11, (RHC), -- FAO's representative in Cuba, Theodor Friedrich, said on Friday that despite world attention to soil has increased, it is still insufficient.... More

Panama City, July 10 (RHC)-- UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, has praised Cuba's achievements in the fight against HIV and syphilis, pointing out that Cuba is the first country in the world to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of these diseases.... More

Havana, July 10 (RHC)-- The Tenth International Convention on Environment and Development ends today in Havana, after five days of meetings on topics of interest in this area. ... More

Havana, July 10 (RHC)-- The First Secretary of the UJC, the Young Communists of Cuba, Yuniaski Crespo, predicts that the Tenth Congress of the political organization -- to be held in Havana on the 18th and 19th of this month -- will be a transformational, inclusive and critical encounter. ... More

Havana, July 10 (RHC) –- Cuban President Raul Castro sent the doctors who assisted Ebola patients in Africa a letter of acknowledgement for the altruism and courage they exhibited during that humanitarian mission.... More

United Nations, July 10 (RHC) -- In a similar message of praise, the UN special envoy on Ebola, David Nabarro, told reporters on Thursday that Cubans should be very proud of their response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa last year.... More

Luanda, July 9 (RHC)-- The five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters who were unjustly imprisoned in the United States thanked the authorities and people of Angola for the affection and solidarity they received during their stay in the African nation.... More

Caracas, July 9 (RHC)-- The contingent of Cuban health professionals that carries out epidemiological prevention in the Venezuelan state of Apure has treated more than 10,000 flood victims in the vast plains area. ... More

Havana, July 9 (RHC)-- Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi will visit Cuba in October, in response to a recent invitation extended to him in Rome by Cuban President Raul Castro. ... More

Havana, July 9 (RHC)-- Representatives of the Colombian government and FARC, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, continue peace negotiations in Havana, currently focused on the issue of war victims. ... More

Havana, July 9 (RHC) -- Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Mario Giro, ratified Wednesday in Havana that his country trusts the updating of the Cuban economic model, which is why 140 business people are here in Cuba.... More

Havana, July 9 (RHC)-– The assessment of control and supervision activities at state entities, as well as the concerns and suggestions of the people are high on the agenda of the Cuban Parliament's ten working commissions, which are meeting Saturday through Monday prior to the 5th Ordinary Session of the top legislative body.... More

Orlando, July 9 (RHC) -– The U.S. Island Travel and Tours Travel agency has announced direct twice-a-week charter flights to Cuba departing from the Orlando, Florida international airport.... More
