Havana, July 2 (RHC)-- Cuban First Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel received in Havana the former president and international spokesperson for the maritime claim of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Carlos Mesa Gisbert, who is on a working tour around several regional countries. ... More

Washington, July 2 (RHC) --- James Williams, president of the U.S. coalition 'Engage Cuba,' has urged the U.S. Congress to work hard for American companies to travel and trade freely with Cuba. ... More

Havana, July 2 (RHC) --- The workers of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNIC) presented a special recognition to Fidel Castro on the 50th anniversary of that institution, created by the leader of the Cuban Revolution in 1965. ... More

Caracas, July 2 (RHC)-- The Ninth Meeting of Cooperation between Cuba and Venezuela, held every three months in Caracas, continues today as part of the strategies taken by both countries to expand their joint projects. According to Venezuelan diplomatic sources, the talks will determine which programs should be terminated and agree on those that will continue.... More

Havana, July 2 (RHC) –- International media outlets and world governments and leaders have highlighted the re-establishment of formal diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba, and the opening of embassies in both countries on July 20th.... More

Washington, July 2 (RHC) –- Personalities of the U.S. political arena reacted positively to the confirmation of the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Washington and Havana and the opening of embassies next July 20th.... More

U.S. Grain Leaders Visit Cuba

Havana, July 2 (RHC) –- Leaders from the National Corn Growers, North Dakota Barley Council, and U.S. Grains Council have visited Cuba recently to continue studying the market and the current barriers to increasing grain sales to the country. The trip came just before both countries announced their official re-establishment of diplomatic relations on Wednesday.... More

Dar es Salaam, July 2 (RHC) -- A state-of-art Biolarvicides factory that promises to wipe out the deadly malaria in Tanzania is scheduled to be officially opened on Thursday in the African country, AllAfrica reports.... More

Havana, July 1 (RHC) -– Cuba and the United States will open embassies in each other's capitals on or after July 20th, Cuba's Foreign Ministry announced on Wednesday, citing decisions by Cuban President Raul Castro and U.S. President Barack Obama.... More

Washington, July 1 (RHC) -– For his part, U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday morning spoke at the White House Rose Garden about the deal.... More

Havana, July 1 (RHC) –- Cuba and China signed eight new cooperation accords during the 8th Meeting of the Cuba-China Joint Working Group on Biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry, which wound up on Tuesday in Havana.... More

Johannesburg, July 1 (RHC) –- The Cuban Five on Tuesday visited the home of late ANC president Chief Albert Luthuli at Groutville, South Africa. ... More

Havana, July 1 (RHC) -– Cuban lawmakers will analyze the results of the fight against crime, corruption, illegalities and social indiscipline at the Cuban Parliament session, which is slated for July 15th. ... More

Hanoi, July 1 (RHC) –- The Special Envoy of Cuban President Raul Castro, Alejandro Castro Espin, has conveyed an invitation to visit Cuba to Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang... More

Havana, June 30 (RHC)-- Vatican authorities, the Cuban government and the Cuban Conference of Catholic Bishops have agreed on the visit agenda of Pope Francis, set for September 19th through the 22nd. Havana, June 30 (RHC)-- Vatican authorities, the Cuban government and the Cuban Conference of Catholic Bishops have agreed on the visit agenda of Pope Francis, set for September 19th through the 22nd. ... More
