Havana, June 26 (RHC) –- Russia and Cuba are in the final stage of coordinating new energy and steel projects, according to Russian Ambassador to Cuba, Mikhail Kamynin.... More

Havana, June 26 (RHC) -– The delegation of the city of Havana to the X Congress of the Young Communist League (UJC) was constituted on Thursday during a political act at the Cacahual Mausoleum.... More

Havana, June 26 (RHC) -- Cuban prima ballerina Viengsay Valdes on Thursday received the Lorna Burdsall Dance Award, the most prestigious honor granted by the performing arts section of the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC).... More

Johannesburg, June 25 (RHC) -- The five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters are touring historic places of interest today in the South African province of Gauteng, after visiting the city of Cape Town, where they were welcomed by lawmakers at the national parliament.... More

Havana, June 25 (RHC) -- Singapore's Foreign Minister, Kasiviswanathan Shanmugam, just wrapped up a four-day official visit to Cuba, which he considered very productive and informative, giving him a better grasp of Cuba's reality.... More

Havana, June 25 (RHC) –- Vice Admiral Vicente Eya Olomo, Deputy Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, kicked off an official visit to Cuba, accompanied by a military delegation.... More

Mexico City, June 25 (RHC) -- Mexico and Cuba have concluded in Mexico City the Tenth Meeting of the Working Group on Immigration and Consular Affairs, the Cuban embassy there reported.... More

Kuwait City, June 25 (RHC) –- Kuwait and Cuba on Thursday signed an agreement for visa exemption for holders of diplomatic, service, official and private passports, news agency Kuna reported.... More

Washington, June 25 (RHC) -– Cuba has been named among the top hottest summer destinations in 2015 by TIME magazine.... More

Washington, June 25 (RHC) – Apple Vacations, the U.S. tourism company, will begin offering tour packages to Cuba starting this fall, with the first departures leaving in September and October.... More

Cape Town, June 24 (RHC) -- The caucus of the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa's parliament welcomed the five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters who are visiting the country.... More

Santiago de Cuba, June 24 (RHC) -– The visiting Singaporean Foreign Minister, Kasiviswanathan Shanmugam, is scheduled to hold talks today with Cuba's Economy and Planning Minister, Marino Murillo.... More

Tokyo, June 24 (RHC) -- The Japan-Cuba Friendship Association demanded on Tuesday that U.S. President Barack Obama lift the economic blockade of Cuba.... More

Caracas, June 24 (RHC) -- Cuba and Venezuela ratified in Caracas a techno-military agreement signed in 2008, as part of a cooperation program between the two nations in several areas.... More

Havana, June 24 (RHC) –- The European Union and Cuba will hold on Thursday in Brussels their first high level meeting to discuss the issue of human rights.... More
