Havana, Aug. 17 (RHC) Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla reiterated through the social network X that the island's government has zero tolerance for the trafficking and use of illegal drugs.... More

Havana, August 17 (RHC) -- The member of the Political Bureau of the Cuban Communist Party and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez, called on Friday for an end to interference in Venezuela.... More

Havana, August 16 (RHC)-- With only a few days left to begin the next school year in Cuba, the Minister of Education, Naima Ariatne Trujillo, accompanied by other directors of the sector, are touring all the provinces of the country with the aim of assessing the guarantees for the start of the 2024-2025 school year.... More

Havana, August 16 (RHC) --The Cuban Academy of Sciences -ACC-, mourned the death of Mayra Paulina Hernández Sánchez, Doctor in physical sciences and Principal Researcher.... More

Havana, August 16 (RHC)-- ''Today, 99 years ago, a handful of revolutionaries met in Havana to found the first Communist Party of Cuba, the glorious predecessor of the current one. We will always admire our precursors," wrote Roberto Morales Ojeda, Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.... More

Havana, August 16 (RHC)-- That summer day, two generations of Cubans came together in an embrace that was a utopia, a demand for justice and a dream for the future. The first Communist Party of Cuba was born 99 years ago, led by the "Old Oak" Carlos Baliño, and by Julio Antonio Mella, a new pine tree standing tall in the concrete jungle of the neocolony.... More

Havana, August 16 (RHC) -- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez on Thursday denounced the attempts by the Organization of American States (OAS) to impose a resolution on the electoral process in Venezuela.... More

Havana, Aug. 15 (RHC) Member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), Roberto Morales Ojeda, on Thursday ratified his country's solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution in the face of the intention to ignore the official results of the presidential elections held in Venezuela last July 28.... More

Havana, Aug. 15 (RHC) Cuba's Tourism Minister Juan Carlos García said Wednesday that the country guarantees security, greater agility and simplification in visa application processes with the activation of a new electronic visa platform.... More

Artemisa, Aug. 15 (RHC) The 29th Latin American and Caribbean Brigade of Solidarity with Cuba paid tribute to Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz on the 98th anniversary of his birth.... More

Havana, Aug. 15 (RHC) Clinical trials in China of the Cuban-patented monoclonal antibody Itolizumab, used against autoimmune diseases, are being prepared by the joint venture Biotech Pharmaceuticals Limited (BPL), informed Yanet Borrego, deputy general director and representative of the Cuban vice-presidency of BPL.... More

   Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 15 (RHC) The non-governmental organization MediCuba Europe and the group Global Health Partners from the United States donated 10 pacemakers to the Cardiocenter of Santiago de Cuba, as a result of the campaign "With the hand to the heart". Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 15 (RHC) The non-governmental organization MediCuba Europe and the group Global Health Partners from the United States donated 10 pacemakers to the Cardiocenter of Santiago de Cuba, as a result of the campaign "With the hand to the heart".... More

Havana, August 15 (RHC) Cuba will be represented by the Palomas Project in the 5th edition of the Oscar Arnulfo Romero Ibero-American Prize for Human Rights Education, which will be held in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro on September 4 and 5.... More

Havana, Aug. 15 (RHC) Cuban Deputy Prime Minister Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca is carrying out an extensive work agenda in the Dominican Republic, where he is heading the Cuban delegation that will attend the swearing-in ceremony of the country's re-elected president, Luis Abinader, next Friday.... More

Camagüey, Cuba, Aug. 15 (RHC) Cuba is today implementing strategies to promote food sovereignty in the municipality of Nuevitas, focusing the government's dialogue with the private sector on the Fisheries Law.... More
