A leading humanitarian information publication has issued its assessment of overall damage caused by Hurricane Matthew during its path through the Caribbean and then the United States. ... More

An independent expert in fostering an international democratic and equitable order, Alfred de Zayas, said at the United Nations that Cuba should receive compensation for the damage caused by the economic, trade and financial blockade imposed by the United States. ... More

Cuba and the United States signed on Thursday a historic memorandum of understanding to cooperate in cancer control. ... More

Cuban Five Rene Gonzalez

A Cuban who for nearly 15 years remained incarcerated in the U.S. is asking that people write letters of support to a Puerto Rican prisoner in the U.S. for protecting Cuba from Washington's policies of aggression. ... More

This morning's edition of the daily newspaper Granma carries a special section entitled "Normalization is Not Synonymous with Blockade." ... More

Nations around the world are already lining up to express their support for a Cuban resolution at the United Nations General Assembly next week to end the U.S. blockade against Cuba. ... More

Cuba will seek to attract foreign investment with a new business portfolio to be unveiled at the International Trade Fair of Havana (FIHAV 2016) scheduled for October 31st to November 4th. ... More

Barbados' Health Minister John Boyce

Barbados' Health Minister John Boyce is on a visit to Cuba, to promote relations and meet with his local counterpart, the Cuban Foreign Ministry’s website has announced. ... More

United States Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Burwell

United States Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Burwell will attend a medical gathering here in Havana over the next several days.... More

A Japanese donation of humanitarian assistance arrived in Santiago de Cuba on Tuesday aimed for the territories affected by Hurricane Matthew. ... More

Crowds of young people gathered in Havana and major cities across the island this Monday to protest the permanence of the U.S. policy of blockade against Cuba.... More

Director General for United States in the Cuban Foreign Ministry Josefina Vidal

A top Cuban diplomat described as significant a presidential directive regarding Cuba issued by the Obama administration on Friday, but warned that the U.S. policy of blockade against Cuba remains in full force. ... More

A second Venezuelan ship loaded with humanitarian aid for the repairing of damage caused by Hurricane Matthew in eastern Cuba arrived Sunday... More

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan donated 15,000 tons of rice, in a gesture of solidarity with the Cuban nation. ... More

Havana, October 15 (RHC) Josefina Vidal, Director for the United States at the Cuban Foreign Ministry, said in Havana that the new package of measures announced Friday by the U.S. government to modify some aspects of the U.S. blockade are positive, but limited in scope.... More
