Residents in Mayarí Arriba, in the eastern province of Santiago de Cuba, are paying tribute to women's leader Vilma Espin on the 9th anniversary of her death on June 18th. Vilma Espin was a Cuban woman of great sensibility who took part in the guerrilla struggle on the Sierra Maestra Mountains. ... More

Cuba and Colombia have signed two agreements to expand and strengthen bilateral trade relations. ... More

Two work commissions of the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino), are currently holding their ordinary meetings here in Havana. A total of 61 parliamentarians, representing 17 out of Parlatino's 23 member states are participating. ... More

The governments of Cuba and Guatemala have relaunched bilateral trade and economic ties, particularly in the tourism sector.... More

Cuban Vice President Ricardo Cabrisas

Vice President Ricardo Cabrisas participated Thursday in the 20th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, particularly in the segment dedicated to Latin America and the Caribbean.... More

The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee overwhelmingly voted Thursday to include four pro-engagement Cuba amendments in a must-pass Fiscal Year 2017 appropriations bill.... More

Cuba and the United States will strengthen cooperation in the area of water resources, the Cuban Foreign Ministry said Thursday.... More

Vice President of the Cuban Friendship Institute (ICAP) Elio Games said that Cuba will continue to support the independence cause of the Puerto Rican people at international forums.... More

A 24-hour TV Satellite broadcast of Cuban audiovisuals will be reaching the US audience on the CubaMax TV channel following a joint agreement between the Cuban Radio and Television Institute and Dish Network TV.... More

The governments of Cuba and Guatemala have relaunched bilateral trade and economic ties, particularly in the tourism sector.... More

A 43-member delegation from the United States will for the first time participate in Cubaindustria, an industrial fair aimed at attracting foreign investment to the Caribbean state, organizers said Thursday.... More

Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Trade Jesús Faría announced Wednesday that his country and Cuba will increase investment in tourism, the oil, iron and steel industries, among other sectors.... More

Belorussian President Alexander Lukashenko

Belorussian President Alexander Lukashenko says he sees good potential for economic cooperation between his country and Cuba, based on long-standing friendship bonds forged during the Soviet-era.... More

José Ramón Machado Ventura, Second Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party's Central Committee

José Ramón Machado Ventura, Second Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party's Central Committee, called on Matanzas province to increase agricultural food production.... More

Public debates on Cuba's future began Wednesday at the Havana-based Center for Generic Engineering and Biotechnology.... More
