The Parliament of Andalusia has urged the United States to listen to the international community's call for an end to the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed and maintained by consecutive U.S. administrations against Cuba for nearly six decades.... More

Ethiopia's Minister of Foreign Affairs Tedros Adanom arrives in Cuba Thursday for an official visit, during which he will hold talks with authorities, including Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez.... More

The Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi will pay a working visit to Cuba from June 18th through the 21st.... More

Representatives from Cuba and the European Union met Monday in Havana for the second round of talks on human rights.... More

On Wednesday, Cuba and the United States held the first Counterterrorism Technical Exchange in Havana.... More

Renowned Cuban scientists are currently in San Francisco, California, participating in the Biotechnology International Convention. ... More

Mick Phillips, a U.S. lung cancer patient, blasted the U.S. blockade of Cuba for denying U.S. patients' access to effective Cuban cancer medication.... More

Ten years after receiving its health registration and approval to be used in the national health system, the Cuban medication Heberprot-P has been used to treat over 55,000 Cuban patients nationwide, with positive results.... More

President Raúl Castro presided over the main activity in Havana, marking the 55th anniversary of the Interior Ministry (MININT).... More

President of Equatorial Guinea's Senate, Teresa Efua Asangono has advocated the lifting of Washington's economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba.... More

Cuban Tourism Minister Manuel Marrero is in Mérida, Yucatán, to participate along with his Mexican counterpart Miguel de la Madrid in the 1st Business Forum with the participation of executives and entrepreneurs from both countries' tourism sector.... More

Havana officially receives Tuesday, June 7th, the title of city wonder of the modern world, a recognition granted by the vote of hundreds of millions of people the world over who participated in a survey organized by the Swiss foundation New7Wonders.... More

President Raul Castro held separate talks Sunday in Havana with Haiti's Interim President Jocelerme Privert, the Presidents of Guyana David Granger, Suriname's Desire Delano Bouterse, and the Prime Minister of Jamaica, Andrew Holness.... More

Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Cuba Mirta Kaulard said Sunday that Cuba’s social and environmental development makes it stand out globally. Kaulard attended a national ceremony in the eastern province of Granma to mark June 5th --World Environment Day.... More

Puerto Rico´s governor Alejandro García Padilla has voiced his plans to open an office in Cuba to promote bilateral trade and cultural exchanges.... More
