Cuba has called for Latin American and Caribbean vision in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations.... More

The 1st Ibero-Latin American Convention on Basic Biomedical Sciences began Friday in Havana with the participation of 150 delegates from the United States, Spain and Cuba.... More

Bolivian Interior Minister Carlos Romero has described as "extraordinary" the work of Cuban doctors who treated him for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever.... More

Officials from Cuba and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) discussed issues of common interest in the context of the Council of the institution which is meeting in Geneva until June 2nd.... More

U.S. airlines are still awaiting a response from the federal authorities to begin direct flights to Cuba, Cuban ambassador in the United States, Jose Ramon Cabañas said Thursday.... More

Air Berlin, the second largest German airline, has begun operations to Havana with two new weekly flights between Dusseldorf and Havana, according to the Cuban Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR). The new service started up this morning.... More

Cuba is currently implementing a soil improvement program the main priorities of which are to prevent erosion, acidity, alkalinity, salinity and low fertility.... More

Chairman of Russia’s State Duma, Serguei Naryshkin, has confirmed the importance and the value of the relations between Cuba and Russia.... More

A mission of the U.S. Conference of Mayors promised in Havana on Thursday to advocate ending the U.S. blockade against Cuba.... More

Vice President Ricardo Cabrisas has received Alberto Núñez, President of the Spanish Autonomous Government of Galicia, who is on a four-day official visit here.... More

Marino Murillo, Vice President of the Minister Council of Cuba, mer with Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong, reported Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ... More

The president of Equatorial Guinea’s Chamber of Deputies, Gaudencio Mohaba Mesu, has demanded the lifting of the US blockade against Cuba, a stand that continues to have a rising support in the international community.... More

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos

Colombian Foreign Minister María Ángela Holguín has confirmed President Juan Manuel Santos' participation in the 7th Summit of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), set for June 4th in Havana.... More

Panama has warned that with the completion of the last airlift transferring Cuban migrants to Mexico, they will make no other such agreements and illegal migrants will no longer be allowed into their territory.... More

On Thursday, the second day of his official visit to Russia, First Vice President Miguel Díaz-Canel held separate talks with Prime Minister Dmitri Medvédev, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin and with Guenadi Ziuganov, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Russia.... More
