President Raúl Castro has sent a message of condolences to Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, in the wake of the death and severe devastation caused to the Asian country by a series of earthquakes over the weekend.... More

Cuban trade unions are gearing up for the traditional patriotic marches on May 1st --International Workers' Day-- when workers will express their strong support for their socialist revolution and the accords of the recently held 7th Congress of the Communist Party.... More

Members of a visiting delegation from the U.S. President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities have expressed their interest in fostering cultural cooperation between the United States and Cuba.... More

Panamanian authorities have announced the building of shelters for some 2 500 Cubans, stranded in the border with Costa Rica.... More

President Raúl Castro asserted that building a prosperous, sustainable, irreversible socialism inevitably entails upholding the principles of equity and social justice promoted and defended by the Cuban Revolution.... More

Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, congratulated President Raúl Castro on his re-election as First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba. ... More

Cubans and Ecuadorians paid tribute Tuesday to three Cuban doctors who lost their lives in the huge quake that hit the South American nation last Saturday.... More

The Cuban Agency for Nuclear Energy and Advanced Technologies has joined a regional program to fight Aedes mosquitoes.... More

At the UN General Assembly in New York, Cuban representatives shared the island’s experiences in dealing with the drug problem.... More

Fidel Castro during Communist Party Congress

The historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, attended the closing Tuesday of the 7th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, in which nearly 1,000 delegates and 280 guests participated.... More

The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Raul Castro, was re-elected to that post during the last day of the Seventh Congress of the organization, which closed in Havana on Tuesday.... More

Cuba marks today 55 years since the victory at Playa Giron against the infamous U.S.-organized and financed mercenary invasion of the Bay of Pigs... More

The General Customs of the Republic of Cuba denied rumors spread via news of a supposed seizing in Panama of 401 kilograms of cocaine found aboard a ship that sailed from the Cuban port of Mariel to Belgium.... More

Three Cuban doctors working in Ecuador lost their lives during the earthquake that hit coastal areas in the provinces of Esmeralda and Manabi.... More

Cuba condemns the parliamentary coup underway in Brazil and expresses its strong support for the people of the sister South American country and their democratically elected leaders.... More
