Havana, July 9, (RHC) - The Cuban delegations that will attend the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games received today the national flag from the hands of the First Secretary of the Party and President of the Republic of Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez.... More

Havana, Jul 9 (RHC) A summer party in the city of columns kicks off today the "Routes and Walks"( Rutas y Andares) project in honor of the 120th anniversary of the birth of Cuban intellectual Alejo Carpentier.... More

Havana, Jul 9 (RHC) The Cuban Foreign Ministry today highlighted the ties of friendship and solidarity that unite the island with South Sudan, on the occasion of the celebration of the African country's national holiday.... More

Havana, July 9 (RHC) The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) announced that it is backing the promotion of another initiative in Cuba in favor of rural women's employment.... More

Havana, July 9 (RHC) The representative of the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) in Havana, Alejandra Trossero, said that difficulties in mobilizing resources today limit the scope and impact of the agency's work in Cuba.... More

Moscow, Jul 9 (RHC) The State Duma (lower house of the Russian parliament) approved in plenary session a statement demanding to remove Cuba from the arbitrary U.S. list of countries sponsoring terrorism.... More

Buenos Aires, July 98 (RHC) The Union of Cuban Residents in Argentina (URCA) repudiated a terrorist plan against the Caribbean nation planned, organized and financed from the United States.... More

Havana, Jul 9 (RHC) The Nicaraguan solidarity group "Love for Cuba" rejected the terrorist plot against the Antillean nation planned from the United States with the aim of creating disturbances in the country.... More

Tel Aviv, July 9 (RHC)-- Six Israeli soldiers have described a “shoot first, ask questions later” culture within the Israeli army in Gaza, which sees women, children, hospitals and schools attacked with seeming impunity, in an article published by Israel’s +972 magazine.... More

Gaza City, July 9 (RHC)-- Israeli forces have targeted another UN-run school in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, causing numerous casualties, as the genocidal war in the Gaza Strip enters its tenth month.... More

Havana, July 9 (RHC)-- An investigation by the Cuban Ministry of the Interior (MININT) released in Havana has determined the direct participation of violent organizations from Southern Florida in a frustrated terrorist operation against this Caribbean nation.... More

Havana, July 9 (RHC)-- On December 7, 2023, Cuba published in its Official Gazette a group of people and organizations subject to criminal investigation for their involvement in the promotion, planning, organization, financing, and support of terrorist actions against the Cuban people.... More

Beijing, July 9 (RHC)-- China has urged the U.S.-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to avoid “causing chaos” in the Asia-Pacific region.  “NATO should adhere to its positioning as a regional defensive organization, stop creating tensions in the Asia-Pacific region, stop promoting Cold War mentality and bloc confrontations,” China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian told reporters in Beijing on Monday.... More

Rafah, July 9 (RHC)-- Israeli forces have killed three more Palestinians shortly after their release from a detention camp in the occupied territories.  The bodies were found handcuffed and without clothing on Sunday in the vicinity of the Karam Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing in southern Gaza.... More

Gaza City, July 9 (RHC)-- The UN agency for Palestinian refugees has said at least half of its headquarters in the Gaza Strip have been destroyed amid the Israeli regime’s ongoing genocidal war against the coastal sliver.... More
