Palestinian refugee agency, UNRWA (Photo: Press TV)

Amman, February 5 (RHC)-- In Amman, Jordan, the head of the Arab League has warned that the Donald Trump administration’s decision to withhold tens of millions of dollars in aid to Palestinian refugees threatens the stability of the entire Middle East. ... More

UK Labor party leader Jeremy Corbyn (File photo)

London, February 5 (RHC)-- In the United Kingdom, the Labour Party is considering plans to end homelessness by forcing some landowners to sell their lots at a reduced price in order to expand the construction of publicly funded affordable housing. ... More

Austin, Texas City Council votes to divest from border wall contractors (Photo: Democracy Now)

Austin, February 5 (RHC)-- In Austin, the state capital of Texas, city councilmembers voted 10-1 to bar their city from doing business with any company involved in the construction of President Donald Trump’s expanded wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. ... More

Guadalajara, February 5 (RHC/Wires) – In the on-going Caribbean Baseball Series in the Mexican city of Guadalajara, Cuba defeated the local Culiacan Tomateros 5-4 on Saturday night, to get its second win in the series and was undefeated on Sunday, after three days of competition.... More

Havana, February 5 (RHC)—The Cuban Foreign Ministry has warned about the gravity of the message of arrogance and contempt with which US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson began a tour of several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.... More

Ecuadoran President Lenin Moreno (Xinhua photo)

Quito, February 5, (RHC)— Ecuador´s National Electoral Council (CNE) announced the "yes" is leading in a quick recount, with 67.82% of the votes in the seven questions of the popular referendum held Sunday.... More

Havana, February 3 (RHC).- Juan Carlos Marsán Aguilera, deputy director of the Foreign Relations Department of the Cuban Communist Party's Central Committee, reiterated Cuba's unwavering support for and solidarity with the cause of the Palestinian people.... More

Port-au-Prince, February 3 (RHC-Minrex), -- Haitian President, Jovenel Moise, held a fruitful working meeting with Luis Castillo Campos, the Cuban Ambassador there... More

La Paz, February 3 (RHC-PL), -- The Cuban Medical Brigade in Bolivia is celebrating its 12th anniversary, an occasion in which they confirm their commitment to life and the guarantee of health as an inherent right of all human beings.... More

Havana, February 3 (RHC-PL), -- The Spanish company Mercasa has signed an agreement that will lead to a feasibility study for the construction of a central wholesale supply market in Havana.... More

Vice President of the State Council Mercedes López Acea

Havana, February 3, (RHC-Minrex) -- The Vice President of the Council of State, Mercedes López Acea, will begin a tour of Cape Verde, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana and Seychelles... More

Former Brazilian President Lula da Silva

Rio de Janeiro, February 3 (RHC)-- Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva would lead the presidential election with 34 percent of voter intention, according to a Datafolha poll released in Rio de Janiero.... More

Washington, February 3 (RHC)-- The Donald Trump administration has announced it will reauthorize temporary protected status -- known as TPS -- for Syrian refugees, but said it will bar any more Syrian citizens from applying to the program.... More

Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh

Washington, February 3 (RHC)-- The U.S. State Department has designated Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the Palestinian political party and militant group Hamas, as a terrorist. ... More

Democratic Senator Bob Menendez

Newark, February 3 (RHC)-- In Newark, New Jersey, U.S. federal prosecutors have dropped corruption charges against Democratic Senator Bob Menendez. ... More
