Havana, January 27 (RHC) – A senior Cuban parliamentarian has accused the United States' government of repeating against Cuba a failed policy of unconventional war aimed at internal destabilization.... More

Havana, January 27 (RHC)-- In diverse parts of the world -- such as China, Russia, Costa Rica and Key West, Florida -- homage is being paid to Cuba’s National Hero, José Martí, on the occasion of the 165th anniversary of his birth, on January 28, 1853.... More

Cuban Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodriguez, with the delegation of US lawmakers (Cubaminrex Photo)

Havana, January 27 (RHC/Prensa Latina)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez received Friday evening a U.S. congressional delegation made up of two Democrats and one Republican. The visiting U.S. lawmakers included Barbara Lee and Karen Bass, both Democrats and both from California, and Republican Roger Marshall of Kansas.... More

Havana, January 26 (RHC)-- The Cuban Country Program (2015-2018) of the World Food Program (WFP) benefits more than 900 thousand residents in 43 municipalities of six Cuban provinces.... More

Havana, January 26 (RHC)-- The Representative in Cuba of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), María Machicado, praised in Havana Cuba's achievements in childcare over the past twelve months, noting that the country exhibits the best indicators in all of Latin America and the Caribbean.... More

Cuban National Hero Jose Marti

Havana, January 26 (RHC)-- An article in Friday morning's edition of the Cuban newspaper Granma highlights the strong influence of National Hero José Martí on the political thinking and work of the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro. ... More

 U.S. Border Patrol agents confiscate water and food on Mexico border (Photo: No More Deaths)

Washington, January 26 (RHC)-- In the United States, eight activists with the humanitarian group 'No More Deaths' have been charged with a number of federal crimes over their volunteer efforts to leave water and food in the harsh Sonoran Desert to help refugees and migrants survive the potentially deadly journey across the U.S. border.... More

Presidents Club caught in controversy over sexual harassment (Photo: Financial Times)

London, January 26 (RHC)-- The London charity behind a men-only fundraising gala, where specially hired hostesses were groped and harassed according to a Financial Times report, faced a swift backlash with donations being returned and politicians denouncing it.... More

 Japanese residents in Okinawa protest U.S. base (Photo: AFP)

Tokyo, January 26 (RHC)-- Japanese protesters have staged a sit-in, trying to obstruct the construction of a new U.S. military base on the southern island of Okinawa, which has been rife with anti-U.S. sentiment for years.... More

 Construction company Odebrecht will pay Guatemala for bribes (Photo: Reuters)

Brasilia, January 26 (RHC)-- The Brazilian construction company Odebrecht has agreed to pay the Government of Guatemala $17.9 million dollars, an amount equivalent to the bribe Guatemalan public officers received from the company in order to obtain its contracts, the country's prosecutor's office.... More

 US President Donald Trump talks to reporters at Davos (Photo: AP)

Washington, January 26 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the firing of special counsel Robert Mueller last June, and only backed away from this demand after the top White House lawyer, Donald McGahn, said he’d rather resign than carry out Trump’s order.... More

Spain's ambassador to Venezuela, Jesus Silva Fernandez (Photo: Press TV)

Caracas, January 26 (RHC)-- The Venezuelan government has expelled the Spanish ambassador to Venezuela, Jesus Silva Fernandez -- declaring him "Persona Non-Grata" due to "interventions" and "the continuous aggressions" committed by the Spanish government against the South American country and infringing "on the sovereignty and independence of the Venezuelan people."... More

Brazil’s former President Luiz Inacio “Lula”  da Silva

Rio de Janeiro, January 26 (RHC)-- Brazil’s former President Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva has been forced to cancel a trip to Ethiopia, after court authorities revoked his passport, the Justice Ministry confirmed Thursday.... More

Julian Assange

London, January 26 (RHC)— The British Prosecution Service says WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange could “walk free” if his defense succeeds in its most recent request.... More

Caracas, January 26 (RHC)-- Venezuela has blasted a statement issued by the U.S. State Department rejecting the decision by the Constituent Assembly to convene snap presidential elections before April 30.... More
