Havana, January 22 (RHC)-- The visiting 25th contingent of the South American Brigade of Solidarity with Cuba began Monday their activities on the island. ... More

Las Tunas, January 22 (RHC-Granma)-- The exhaustion of fossils fuels, fluctuations in their prices on the world market, and their environmental impact are some of the key reasons that the need to develop renewable energy sources is of concern internationally. ... More

Havana, January 22 (RHC-Granma)-- The Telecommunications Company of Cuba (Etecsa) will market an internet service through mobile phones, in 2018 as announced. This is added to what was done last year with the Nauta Hogar service, a proposal that favorably impacted the lives of Cubans. ... More

Tegucigalpa, January 22 (RHC)-- In Honduras, protesters staged another round of nationwide demonstrations over the weekend against widespread voter fraud in the re-election of incumbent, U.S.-backed President Juan Orlando Hernández. ... More

Bethlehem, January 22 (RHC)-- Palestinians have taken to the streets of the West Bank city of Bethlehem to protest U.S. Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to Israel, burning his photos over Washington’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. ... More

Washington, January 22 (RHC)-- Millions of protesters turned out for the second day of the Women's March, a nationwide series of protests against U.S. President Donald Trump marking the end of his tumultuous first year in office. ... More

United Nations, January 22 (RHC)-- The United Nations is calling for what it refers to as a record $2.96 billion aid for war-ravaged Yemen where Saudi airstrikes, looming famine, and cholera have claimed the lives of thousands of people. ... More

Ramallah, January 22 (RHC)-- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is calling on the EU to officially recognize the state of Palestine during a Monday meeting with the bloc. ... More

Paris, January 22 (RHC)-- French unions pushing for better safety and wages have vowed a “total blockade” of prisons as their dispute with the government worsens.... More

Julian Assange (File Photo)

Quito, January 22 (RHC)—In a television interview, Ecuador's President Lenin Moreno has described WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as an "inherited problem" that has created "more than a nuisance" for his government.... More

London, January 22 (RHC-Agencies)-- Half of the world's population received no share of all wealth created globally in 2017, while 82 percent went to the richest one percent, a report by Oxfam International revealed.... More

Raul Castro, Diaz Canel and Machado Ventura (File Photo)

Havana, January 22 (RHC)— Cuba´s 168 municipal assemblies held extraordinary sessions on Sunday to nominate candidates for provincial delegates and deputies to the National Assembly, a process considered fundamental in the Island´s general elections, that will conclude on April 19 with the swearing in of a new legislature.... More

Washington, January 22 (RHC) -- Hundreds of thousands of federal workers woke up on Monday with the U.S. government still shut down and the Senate expected to try again to restore federal funding temporarily, and work on resolving a dispute over immigration.... More

Washington, January 20 (RHC-Minrex) -- The fourth technical meeting, between Cuban and U.S. authorities, on the combat against illicit drug trafficking took place in Washington D.C., Friday.... More

Havana, January 20 (RHC-PL) -- The Cuban Academy of Language reported Saturday that it will celebrate the 165th anniversary of the birth of the National Hero José Martí, one of the most influential figures in Latin American literature. ... More
