Washington, February 13 (RHC)-- In the latest of Snowden’s disclosures, new information has emerged on the National Security Agency’s secret role in U.S. military and CIA assassinations overseas. ... More

Tokyo, February 13 (RHC)-- Hundreds of Japanese protesters have taken to the streets of Okinawa Island to demonstrate against a controversial plan to relocate a U.S. military base there. The protest came ahead of a three-day visit by U.S. Ambassador to Tokyo, Caroline Kennedy, to the southern Japanese island.... More

Brasilia, February 13 (RHC) -– Representatives of the Landless Workers Movement (MST) on Wednesday staged a protest before several government institutions to demand education and land reform.... More

Washington, February 13 (RHC)-- Seventeen activists arrested for protesting U.S. drone warfare at a New York air base in 2012 have been found guilty of disorderly conduct, but not guilty of trespassing. ... More

Dhaka, February 13 (RHC)-- Two owners of the Bangladesh garment factory where 112 workers died in a 2012 fire have turned themselves in. Delwar Hossain and his wife Mahmuda Akter are among six wanted in connection with the worst factory fire in Bangladesh’s history. ... More

Lima, February 13 (RHC) -– Peruvian President Ollanta Humala began a Middle East tour on Thursday that will take him to Israel, Qatar and the Palestinian Authority-ruled West Bank.... More

London, February 13 (RHC)-- Investigations are underway following reports that confidential files relating to customers of Britain's second-largest bank, Barclays, have been stolen and sold to brokers. The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) launched the investigation after The Mail newspaper revealed that a database of information on up to 27,000 customers has been sold to "unscrupulous brokers."... More

Panama City, February 13 (RHC) -- The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) hopes to settle a financial dispute by next Tuesday with the international consortium in charge of the canal expansion so as to resume the project, an ACP official told reporters.... More

Washington, February 13 (RHC)-- Thousands of websites took part in a day of protest against mass surveillance by the National Security Agency by displaying banners and encouraging a flood of calls to the U.S. Congress. ... More

Washington, February 13 (RHC)-- A U.S. federal appeals court has rejected a bid by hunger-striking Guantánamo Bay prisoners to stop the U.S. government from subjecting them to force-feeding. ... More

Havana, February 13 (RHC)-- Havana’s International Book Fair is officially underway today, running until February 23rd at the Cabaña Fortress and other important venues in the city. ... More

Havana, February 13 (RHC)-- The European Office for Education, Culture, Language and Youth has addressed the issue of the quality of Cuban Higher Education during a press conference at the 9th University 2014 International Congress, underway in Havana.... More

Havana, February 13 (RHC)-- A recent visit by Cuban officials to the facilities of the Japanese Terumo Medical Pranex company, a leader in medical equipment, ratified the interest of Cuba and Japan in further strengthening ties in the areas of medical services and technology. ... More

Havana, February 13 (RHC)-- The chief of the Colombian government delegation to the ongoing peace talks in Havana with the FARC guerrilla fighters, Humberto de la Calle, has expressed his confidence that institutional mechanisms in his country will clarify the presumed espionage by members of the Colombian army against the delegations at the bargaining table in Havana.... More

Bayamo, February 13 (RHC)-- A car accident on Wednesday near the eastern Cuban city of Bayamo resulted in the death of 56-year-old Canadian tourist Jiwoirn Aisin, while four Cuban citizens were injured. The Canadian tourist crashed a rental vehicle he was driving into a mobile crane from a transport company on the highway leading to western Cuba.... More
