Bogota, Feb 8 - Thousands of police, air and land troops have been deployed to guarantee the security of the 8th Summit of the Pacific Alliance, underway till Monday in the Colombian city of Cartagenas de Indias. This has been criticized by regional leaders.... More

Washington, February 8 (RHC)-- In the United States, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has warned climate change is already having an impact on U.S. farmers. ... More

Buenos Aires, Feb 8, - Ecuador's Defense minister Maria Fernanda Espinosa made working visits this week to Uruguay and Argentina, where she favored the strengthening of relations in the area of defense. ... More

London, February 8 (RHC)-- The U.S. National Security Agency and its British counterpart are accessing mobile applications to collect huge amounts of personal data from their users, classified documents show.London, February 8 (RHC)-- The U.S. National Security Agency and its British counterpart are accessing mobile applications to collect huge amounts of personal data from their users, classified documents show.... More

Havana, Feb 8, -- Dozens of parliamentarians from around the world will joined an international court hearing, to take place March 7 and 8 in London, which will address the case of the five Cuban antiterrorists who were given unfair prison sentences in the US.... More

Havana, Feb 8, - The role of higher education in today’s complex world will be in the spotlight of the University 2014 International Congress, to take place in Havana next week with the participation of over 3,000 representatives of 60 countries.... More

Havana, Feb 8, -- Experts from six nations have expressed their interest in taking part at the 10th International Forum on Organic and Sustainable Agriculture, which will take place May 21 to 24 in the western Cuban locality of Varadero.... More

Havana, Feb 8, -- The secretariat of the Latin American and Caribbean Continental Student Organization, known by its Spanish accronyms OCLAE, will meet in Havana February 10 to 15, in which young people will ratified their vital postulate for this region which expresses that education is not merchandize. ... More

China’s Disabled Performers Company will debut in Cuba at Havana’s National Theater on Saturday and Sunday with the show My dream. ... More

Quito, February 7 (RHC)-- The National Assembly of Ecuador gave President Rafael Correa four days to participate in the electoral campaign, as national leader of the movement PAIS.... More

Baghdad, February 7 (RHC)-- At least four people have been killed and nearly two dozen others wounded in a bomb attack in Iraq’s northern province of Salahuddin, according to security sources. Iraqi officials said that a car bomb went off in the Tuz-Khurmato district, located west of Tikrit on Thursday.... More

Islamabad, February 7 (RHC)-- The Barack Obama administration is reportedly scaling back drone strikes in Pakistan at the Pakistani government’s request. ... More

San Salvador, February 7 (RHC)-- The final count of the elections last Sunday in El Salvador confirmed the victory in the first round of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN).... More

London, February 7 (RHC)-- The latest leaks from Edward Snowden show the British equivalent of the National Security Agency launched cyberattacks on the online activist groups Anonymous and LulzSec. ... More

Athens, February 7 (RHC)-- Greek state hospital doctors, nurses and administrative staff have held a strike to protest the government’s austerity measures which allegedly aim to make the healthcare sector "more efficient." ... More
