Washington, May 20 (RHC) – A group of 44 former high-ranking U.S. officials, business executives and academics is asking President Barack Obama to loosen the five-decade economic and political blockade on Cuba.... More

Havana, May 20 (RHC) – On Monday, Haitian President Michel Martelly traveled to Cuba to talk collaboration relations with government authorities. The announcement was made by the head of state on his Twitter account.... More

Havana, May 20 (RHC) – Cuban academics attending the International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), May 21-24 in Chicago, Illinois, denounced in Havana the delay of their visas to travel to the United States.... More

Luanda, May 20 (RHC) – The Cuban Vice President Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, discussed the strengthening of bilateral cooperation in all sectors, during meetings with Angolan senior government officials on Monday in Luanda.... More

Havana, May 20 (RHC) – Cuba and Gambia favored the strengthening of bilateral cooperation links as both countries mark the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. ... More

Havana, May 20 (RHC) – Cuban state company Quality Couriers International (QCI) and Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh Highway Project Management Unit signed an agreement for the Cubans to supervise construction of another segment of a major north-south highway in Vietnam.... More

Sarajevo, May 19 (RHC)-- Dozens of people have been killed and tens of thousands have been displaced after unprecedented flooding in the Balkans. An estimated three months worth of rain hit the region in just three days.... More

Caracas, May 19 (RHC) -- Venezuela has accused the United States of interfering in its affairs, saying Caracas will file a complaint against Washington at the United Nations.... More

Bogotá, May 19 (RHC) -- Colombia's presidential election campaign closed Sunday, a week before voters are scheduled to cast their ballots on May 25th.... More

Tripoli, May 19 (RHC)-- Dozens of people were killed in Libya over the weekend in attacks by forces loyal to a renegade former general. Khalifa Haftar, who helped topple Muammar Gaddafi, launched an offensive in Benghazi in what he called a bid to root out Islamist militants. ... More

Paris, May 19 (RHC)--West African countries have declared a "war" on the militant group Boko Haram following last month’s kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls. At a meeting in Paris, heads of state from Nigeria and its neighbors declared the Boko Haram a threat to all of Africa. ... More

Bogotá, May 19 (RHC) -– At least 31 children and one adult have been killed in an incident during which a bus with dozens of passengers caught fire in a city in northern Colombia.... More

Ramallah, May 19 (RHC)-- Funerals were held in the occupied West Bank over the weekend for two Palestinians shot dead during the annual Nakba Day protest. ... More

Moscow, May 19 (RHC) –- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has denied claims that Russia is seeking to establish military bases in Latin America but acknowledged that Russia is considering naval stations.... More

Santiago de Chile, May 19 (RHC) – A Chilean activist campaigning for free education burned documents representing $500 million worth of student debts at Universidad del Mar in a one-man protest.... More
