Havana, February 10 (RHC)-- Cuban National Film Prize winner 2012, Jose Massip, passed away over the weekend in Havana after fighting a long illness, according to an announcement on Sunday by the Cuban Film Institute.... More

United Nations, February 10 (RHC)-- South Africa's permanent representative at the United Nations, Jeremiah Nyamane Kingsley, said that Cuba's support and commitment to just causes around the world can only raise admiration. “We will never forget Cuba's contribution to the defeat of apartheid and its support of African nations,” the South African representative told Prensa Latina news agency.... More

San Salvador, February 10 (RHC)-- Nearly one hundred Salvadorian medical doctors, graduates of Havana’s Latin American School of Medicine, have participated in the first meeting of the newly-created Association of Medical Professionals Graduated in Cuba.... More

Havana, February 10 (RHC)- The 9th International University Congress, underway in Havana until Friday, February 14th, is being attended by renowned personalities, such as Brazilian theologian Frei Betto, Nobel Peace laureate Adolfo Perez Esquivel and Argentinian political analyst Atilio Boron.... More

Havana, February 10 (RHC)-- The Caribbean Community CARICOM plans to open a trading office in Cuba, according to a statement by the Guyana-based CARICOM Secretariat.... More

Havana, Feb 8, (RHC), -- Colombia's Revolutionary Armed Forces refused to declare a new unilateral ceasefire during upcoming legislative elections in March, but they reiterated their request for a bilateral ceasefire.... More

New York, February 8 (RHC)-- Major Internet firms in the United States have begun releasing data about the amount of user information they secretly handed over to the U.S. government. ... More

La Paz, February 8 (RHC)-- Parts of Latin America are facing a spate of extreme weather. In Bolivia, torrential rains and floods have killed 38 people and left many others homeless. More than 40,000 households have reportedly been impacted by the rains since October, five times the total from last year. ... More

Berlin, February 8 (RHC)-- In Germany, a hacker group has filed a criminal complaint accusing the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel of illegally helping the United States spy on Germans. ... More

La Paz, February 8 (RHC) Bolivian President Evo Morales stressed the significance of the nationalizations implemented under his government and said that such initiative were the base for multi-million investment projects. ... More

Kabul, February 7 (RHC)-- Afghan President Hamid Karzai has reportedly been in secret contact with the Taliban in a bid to reach a possible peace deal, without the involvement of the United States. ... More

Caracas, Feb 8, -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called on the people to join a weekend economic action which entails the implementation of a law establishing fair commodity prices by setting up to 30% profit range in the sale of products and services. ... More

Washington, February 8 (RHC)-- A top U.S. State Department official has apologized to her European counterparts after she was caught cursing the European Union in a leaked audio recording that was posted to YouTube. ... More

Bogota, Feb 8 - Thousands of police, air and land troops have been deployed to guarantee the security of the 8th Summit of the Pacific Alliance, underway till Monday in the Colombian city of Cartagenas de Indias. This has been criticized by regional leaders.... More

Washington, February 8 (RHC)-- In the United States, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has warned climate change is already having an impact on U.S. farmers. ... More
