Santiago, January 17 (RHC)-- Chile's president-elect Michelle Bachelet is expected to announce her new cabinet by January 27th, a task seen by some analysts as quite challenging as she was brought to power by a seven-party coalition.... More

Washington, January 17 (RHC)-- The U.S. Senate has failed to renew the jobless benefits that expired last month. Some 1.4 million Americans have lost their aid for long-term unemployment after Republicans refused to extend without an equal amount in spending cuts. ... More

Washington, January 17 (RHC)-- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has called on Syria's divided foreign-backed opposition to join the upcoming peace conference in Geneva. Kerry said in remarks published on Thursday that the purpose of the Geneva II conference is to find a way to install a transitional government. ... More

Baghdad, January 17 (RHC)-- Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has appealed for international support amid spiraling violence and a fight with militants. ... More

Washington, January 17 (RHC)-- The U.S. Air Force unit responsible for overseeing the country’s nuclear missiles is facing a major cheating scandal amongst its ranks. At least 34 officers have lost their security clearances over allegations they helped each other cheat on a monthly proficiency exam last year. ... More

Cuba Readies For 2nd CELAC Summit

Havana, January 17 (RHC)-- Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Ana Teresita Gonzalez Fraga. has announced that everything necessary has been done to welcome the participants to the 2nd Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Havana. ... More

Washington, January 17 (RHC)-- The International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban Five announced in Washington the agenda of activities for the 3rd Solidarity Campaign with the anti-terrorist fighters, to take place June 4th through the 11th.... More

Tokyo, January 17 (RHC)-- Delegates at the 26th Congress of the Japanese Communist Party (JCP) described as illegal and outdated the 52-year-long economic and political blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba.... More

Havana, January 17 (RHC)-- Cuban Parliament President Esteban Lazo met with the vice president of the Permanent Committee of the People’s National Assembly of China, Chen Changzhi, in Havana on Thursday. ... More

Riyadh, January 17 (RHC)-- The general secretary of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Abdul Latif bin Rashed Al Zayani, on Thursday with the Cuban ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Enrique Enriquez, with whom he analyzed cooperation prospects, diplomatic sources said today.... More

United Nations, January 17 (RHC)-- Cuba and Nicaragua were ratified as members of the Committee of the United Nations on the Inalienable Rights of Palestine. Also ratified were Senegal, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Namibia and Malta, according to PL news agency.... More

Havana, Jan 16, (RHC), -- Playing in its first game during its Cuba trip, the University of Tampa baseball team picked up a 2-1 victory over Havana's Industriales Blue Lions youth team on Wednesday.... More

Caracas, Jan. 16 (RHC) – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced the decision to merge the Finance and Banking System ministries on Wednesday. He named Rodolfo Torres as head of the new Finance Ministry.... More

La Paz, Jan. 16 (RHC-NNN) -- Bolivian President Evo Morales met with top central and local officials Wednesday to begin coordinating plans to host the G77+China summit in the eastern city of Santa Cruz on June 14th and 15t... More

Caracas, January 16 (RHC)-- Cuban Ambassador to Venezuela Rogelio Polanco stressed his country’s willingness to further strengthen cooperation relations with Caracas.... More
