Great Congress of the Bolivarian and Chavista Historical Bloc took place in Venezuela 

Eldonita de Catherin López
2024-11-25 10:24:31


Photos: Dalia Reyes Perera


By: Dalia Reyes Perera, Radio Habana Cuba correspondent in Villa Clara, from Venezuela.


The Great Congress of the Bolivarian and Chavista Historical Bloc of the 21st Century begun in Caracas and continued until November 16th to reflect and discuss the government platform of seven transformations for the Venezuela of the future.

With the presence of more than three thousand delegates from social and political movements of the country, this meeting began, which is the culmination of a national debate in more than one hundred thousand popular assemblies with the presence of about three million 500 thousand people.

The Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodriguez, emphasized that Venezuela and other sovereign nations have the means to build a just and independent world.

She referred to the concrete agenda of actions undertaken by the government, "the first of which is an economic transformation, with the accumulated experience of a process to confront the criminal economic, commercial and financial blockade against Venezuela".

And he added "to move from the oil rentier model, from a rentier economy to a productive economy, and to give a self-sustaining development for the happiness of the people".

Other areas of the government's Plan of the Seven Transformations, or 7-T, as it is known, aim at the continuation of a social model that guarantees the happiness of the people, as well as the security, peace and sovereignty of the country, the development of social missions, the political transformations towards a multipolar world, the fight for the defense of the ecology, as well as a new geopolitics of power to achieve the balance of the world that neutralizes imperialism and its arrogance.

Ricardo Menéndez, General Coordinator of the Congress, emphasized that the meeting has its roots in the organized base, based on a call by President Nicolás Maduro, who invited the five generations, from the founders of the Bolivarian Revolution to the youth of today, to outline initiatives, ideas and projections for the Venezuela they want to build in the coming years.

The President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, emphasized the role of this historic Congress to have a State closer to the people and a more just country.


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