All the dates that U.S. President Joseph Biden and his highest officials announced as the starting point of an eventual military invasion by Russia against Ukraine expired, without a single soldier or tank from Moscow having crossed the demarcation line.
By Guillermo Alvarado
All the dates that U.S. President Joseph Biden and his highest officials announced as the starting point of an eventual military invasion by Russia against Ukraine expired, without a single soldier or tank from Moscow having crossed the demarcation line.
Moreover, President Vladimir Putin announced that once the military exercises in that area were over, his troops began to withdraw to their barracks in a gradual and staggered manner, according to their own programs and not to a schedule imposed from Washington.
The White House chatter, however, remains intact and over the weekend Biden once again announced the "imminent" Russian military operation, only this time accompanied by irresponsible provocations which increased the tension.
Among them, the most dangerous is the beginning of an offensive against the Ukrainian areas which proclaimed their independence, Lugansk and Donetsk, where it was necessary to evacuate thousands of civilians, men, women and children, to neighboring Russia to protect their lives and safety.
At the same time, the Ukrainian president, very close to the United States, Volodymyr Zelensky, demanded that the process of his country's accession to NATO be accelerated, knowing that the expansion of the warlike organization towards the borders with Russia is at the heart of the conflict.
In the last three decades this military alliance has grown from 16 to 30 members, many of which were part of the former Soviet Union and are now neighbors of Russian territory, thus violating international commitments.
Moscow's demands that its security be guaranteed and that this bellicose approach to its sovereign borders cease were ignored by the United States and the European Union, which is precisely the source of the current crisis in the region.
It is incredible that the members of the integrating mechanism of the old continent have not realized, or do not care, which is worse, that if the war desired by Washington is unleashed, it will be fought on their territory and it will be up to them to pay for the deaths and suffering.
The White House demonstrated in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan that it does not mind losing a few thousand of its soldiers, who are the sons of workers and ethnic minorities, never of millionaires and oligarchs, but the Europeans seem to forget the terror of the two universal slaughters of the last century.
In his war calculations Biden seems to be based on the false premise that the ramifications of war will not reach his country, but this time he could be brutally wrong.