Difficult times test us, and we Cubans have plenty of examples of episodes that have reaffirmed the solidarity that characterizes us
Difficult times test us, and we Cubans have plenty of examples of episodes that have reaffirmed the solidarity that characterizes us. It could not, therefore, be any different in the face of the complex situation generated by COVID-19 and the tightening of the Washington's criminal blockade.
Faced with the shortages resulting from the hostile U.S. policy that make it difficult to face the pandemic and daily life, Cubans share what they have not only with family, friends and neighbors, but with all Cuban who need it most at this time.
The donations coming from institutions, self-employed and farmers to hospitals and isolation centers are countless, and contribute to the care of the infected people or those suspected of having the disease.
And the assistance provided is much more than material, since there’s also effort, abnegation and sacrifice so that together, as Cubans, we can put an end to COVID-19 that today is seriously affecting our country.
That is why young people from the capital have gone to other provinces to provide assistance in hospitals, isolation centers and anywhere else needed. Such is the case of the "Havana for Life" Brigade, made up of professors and graduates of the University of Medical Sciences.
Just a few hours after receiving their degrees, these young people, who gave up their vacations, traveled to nearby Matanzas, in a gesture of love, altruism and commitment to the noble profession and to their people.
A small delegation from the Technological University of the capital also arrived in Matanzas to share experiences and, together with students from that province's higher education center, install the hospital admissions command post system.
But not only Matanzas has received support from other regions of the island nation. To reinforce the fight against COVID-19 in Guantánamo, also one of the most epidemiologically complex regions in the country, health professionals from the rest of the province's municipalities have arrived in the eastern city.
They were joined by a brigade of the Henry Reeve International Contingent that provided support to Panama in the fight against COVID-19.
An advance guard of this renowned contingent, which worked in Mexico, Italy and Panama, is already in that territory and has now reinforced vital services such as intensive care in Guantanamo's hospitals.
In Ciego de Avila, which also presents a complicated panorama, health professionals from Venezuela are present.
Cuba is going through a difficult time due to the high number of people infected by COVID-19 and the maintenance of the genocidal U.S. blockade, but it also has a people who have always shown solidarity and humanism. And now, once again, the Cuban people have mobilized among their fellow citizens to help in times of need.