Cuba and China maintain a fruitful collaboration in various areas such as education, which covers the different levels of education from early childhood, special education to technical-professional education.
Cuba and China maintain a fruitful collaboration in various areas such as education, which covers the different levels of education from early childhood, special education to technical-professional education.
In university education, it has materialized in various joint projects between centers of high studies of the two nations, which seek to consolidate and expand this fruitful relationship.
On this path, new initiatives have gained ground in recent days. The Universities of Havana and Shanghai University for Science and Technology opened a laboratory for cancer diagnosis and energy therapy, as a result of the signing in 2020 of a framework agreement between the two institutions.
A joint international center was also inaugurated, with offices in Havana and Beiying. The University of the Cuban capital will be in charge of attending to the links with its counterpart in Shanghai and with others in the Asian giant.
The Cuban center of higher studies has also established agreements with the Shanghai Normal University of International Studies of that city and the Normal University of Eastern China, as well as with others in the provinces of Henan, Shandong and Jiangsu.
Likewise, the Universities of International Studies of Hebei and Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz, in the Cuban province of Camagüey, are working to open an International Research Institute on Artificial Intelligence. The Marta Abreu Central University of Las Villas is also participating in the project.
Cooperation in this field also includes the training of teaching staff and the teaching of the Chinese language in Cuba. For several months now, 130 teenagers have been receiving Chinese classes at the Fructuoso Rodriguez High School in the capital.
To help them learn, Beiying donated books, including exercise books, manuals and dictionaries, as well as some traditional toys.
The Asian language has also been taught since 2009 at the Confucius Institute of the University of Havana, which also disseminates Chinese culture through teaching activities, scientific research and artistic and sports promotion.
Cuba and China maintain excellent relations in various branches, but above all a long friendship, based on the presence in our country of citizens of that nation who in the nineteenth century participated in our wars of independence, and were integrated socially and culturally, contributing to the formation of Cuban nationality.