Cuba and China continue to strengthen their special ties

Édité par Ed Newman
2024-06-07 09:56:37


By María Josefina Arce

Cuba continues to strengthen its relations with China, a nation with which it maintains historical and fraternal ties, consensus on important aspects of the international situation and which has been at the side of the Cuban people at all times over the years.

The support of the Communist Party, the government and the Chinese people to the Greater Antilles has been permanent, which has been the repository of great solidarity, especially in the difficult conditions that its economy is experiencing today.

Now the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodríguez is in that Asian country as a special envoy of the Cuban president, Miguel Díaz Canel, who will carry out an official visit until the 9th and during which he will meet with the Chinese authorities.

It is, without a doubt, a favorable opportunity to strengthen and expand bilateral ties and continue exploring new avenues of cooperation for the mutual benefit and development of both nations.

Important are the joint projects that are carried out and that cover strategic areas. Thus we see that Cuba is advancing with Chinese collaboration in the use of renewable energies, at a time when the Caribbean country is going through a complex electro-energy situation.

In several Cuban provinces, photovoltaic parks donated by the Asian giant have been or are being installed, which will allow the gradual replacement of fossil fuels, with the usual care for the environment and saving foreign currency for the country, the object of a reinforced US blockade.

Of excellence is the cooperation between the two states in the field of biotechnology, in which the Caribbean nation exhibits notable achievements despite the economic blockade of the United States. Cuban products such as NIMOTUZUMAB for the treatment of pancreatic cancer are present in Chinese territory.

Furthermore, Havana and Beiying have established joint ventures, the results of which are palpable in the development and obtaining of antibodies, vaccines and novel medicines.

Important steps have been taken in the tourism sphere. At the International Tourism Fair, held at the beginning of last May in Jardines del Rey, the Cuban authorities announced the exemption of visas for Chinese visitors, while Air China airline flights from Beiying to Havana resumed. , via Madrid, the Spanish capital, and which had been suspended during the COVID 19 pandemic.

The stay in Chinese territory of the head of Cuban diplomacy is part of the systematic exchange of high-level visits between the two countries, clear evidence of the solidity of bilateral ties and the political will to continue strengthening them.

Special are the ties that unite Cuba and China, and as President Miguel Díaz Canel expressed, they are based on respect, cooperation, solidarity and understanding of the problems of each of our countries.


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