Cuba attaches high priority to friendly ties with Pacific Island States

Édité par Catherin López
2024-08-24 22:39:35


Pacific Islands Forum Leaders' Meeting

       by Maria Josefina Arce

Cuba participated in Tonga at the fifty-third Pacific Islands Forum Leaders' Meeting, an event in which it has been participating since 2010 and which allows consolidating dialogue with the countries that make up this mechanism for political and economic coordination in Oceania.

Since 2013, the Caribbean nation has had the status of Dialogue Partner of the organization, the highest category held by extra-regional countries, which has been described as a recognition of its solidarity aid in sectors such as health and education.

Cuban health professionals have provided assistance in Kiribati, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Fiji.

Likewise, in 2018, a cooperation agreement was signed with the Republic of Nauru, in the health sphere that made it possible to reactivate medical collaboration in that island country.

Nearly 200 young people from that region have been trained or are being trained in Cuban universities, mainly in medical specialties.

The training of human resources from these nations in Cuban territory has made it possible to expand and strengthen their technical capacities.

In the field of education, the renowned Cuban literacy method “Yo sí puedo” (Yes, I can) is being applied in aboriginal communities in Australia, with the assistance of Cuban specialists.

It is worth mentioning that the Pacific Island States have accompanied the Cuban people in their struggle against the genocidal U.S. blockade, which hinders the socio-economic progress of the Greater Antilles.

Although geographically distant, Cuba and the Pacific Island nations face common challenges in the face of climate change, such as rising sea levels.

Cuba attaches high priority to its ties of friendship and cooperation with the States of that region and has always expressed its willingness to continue expanding avenues of cooperation.

Its participation in the fifty-third Pacific Islands Forum Leaders' Meeting was a new opportunity for the exchange and agreement of positions on issues of common interest.


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